Meme stolen from Binka because I do that.

Feb 27, 2016 14:42

Bath or shower?
Shower alternate days. Bath once/week. Warm cloth at the sink the other two.

Straight or curly hair?
Wavy. Usually I straighten it.

Favorite movie?
Too many to choose.

Favorite holiday?
Halloween... when I don't have to white-wash it for other people.

Android or iPhone?
Android based (Samsung Galaxy).

Texting or call?
Text or email/online message. I don't talk on the phone much at all.

Facebook or twitter?
Facebook, though it was a lot more fun before the ads.

Favorite type of food?
Italian mostly.

Dream job?
Animal rescue

Favorite pizza?
Olives and mushrooms on thick crust. :)

Favorite cake?
Black Forest

Night or day

Summer or winter?
Summer if I can't have Autumn

Wine or whiskey?

Makeup or no makeup?
Maybe a bit of eye shadow once in a month of Sundays.

Favorite TV show?
Of all time: Jeopardy. At the moment: How to Get Away with Murder

Hair up or down?
Almost always a ponytail. Wore it down for a funeral today and everyone noticed.

Jeans or leggings?

Painted or not painted nails?
Not painted.

Favorite color?

T-shirt or dress shirt?

Flip flops or sneakers?
Barefoot unless we've had snow.

Big purse or small?
Attache case, small purse inside it.

How many tattoos?

How many piercings?
Ears once

Diamonds or pearls?
Pearls if I have to wear jewelry.

Favorite animal?
Too many to name.

Rap or country music?

Sports or couch?
Neither. Been spending a lot of time at the gym on the stationary bike and treadmill, but people annoy me so I don't usually join teams for sports. And my couch is dangerous, like the Old Man Willow. If I sit down on it, I fall instantly to sleep.
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