cat intro

May 13, 2007 00:17

heh. This cat has adopted the game shop: she wandered in, determined it's acceptable, befriended the owner & his cohorts & now has settled in, complete with digs, including a cat scratching post.

Her name is Apple B.A.

photoimage by Angelo (on Alli's camera, yay kitty cats *grin*)

When we wandered in this afternoon to meet Apple unannounced, she was settled in so well, she was sleeping on a leather chair in the middle of a table full of active gamers, and in the shop were well over 35 people milling around, playing games, both card-type even and video games (not sure if there were any active board games at the time) & yet she was quite asleep.

I pulled out the chair she was on & she rolled over, purred loudly, exposed her belly for a good rubbing and proceeded to purr and rub up against me. She seems to like the busy gameshop she's adopted as her home. Feel free to stop by & meet her. @ the game shop She looks like a tiger & has pretty green eyes & a light pink nose and tongue (the photo doesn't quite capture her cute nose), and a very loud and cute purr. ;)

The story I heard from one of the gamers was she wandered in and layed down in the middle of his gaming mat, and she's just really into games. I bet she does love that focused energy that buzzes around when people are gaming. Heh. She's a cutie.

our game shop, cats, gaming

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