"Yeah, you're hot blooded. Go ahead and check it...and see." - Carl

Jul 15, 2004 23:14

Wow. Three months have passed.

For closure from the last entry: I had long, drawn out talks with Clayton. We have patched up and things are good now. I am happy about that. I'm still icy in regard to Alena and will remain as such until she does something or I stop caring totally. I was going to room with Amanda, as she is transferring to the ECU School of Art, but I managed to scare her off and I will now have an unknown roommate in the fall. School finished, thankfully, on May 8th. Dear lord, it could not have finished a moment too soon. I made good grades (4 A's and 2 B's) but I was not happy. The best part was when I submitted to the photography program and was told that I was accepted, then told the following day that it was a paperwork error and I was not good enough, "try again in the fall." It's one thing to be rejected; it's another to be accepted by accident, get your hopes up, then find out you're a failure. Oh well. I guess "failure" is harsh, but that's about how it feels. The upcoming fall semester will determine whether I make some major changes in my curriculum. Ha. I didn't even mean to make that pun. Nice.

And now, for other things: David returned home from Iraq on April 20th. Now you know why my journal hasn't been updated since then. After the horrors of school ended, I spent every moment possible with him. He took me to the Perfect Circle concert. The set was really short, but I enjoyed it all. About two weeks after school, I got a little kitten. She's black and white and cute, and I named her Freya. My father calls her Cyclops because of the markings on her face and Matty calls her Gorgonzola. Too bad, she's Freya. I also had to watch my sister's baby for a week. That was an adventure. Since I took her in public, I wonder how far the rumors have spread that I have a child. I had a little family reunion, too. That was pretty nice, since we got Grandma Rachel out of the nursing home. In other grandma news, Grandma Marion randomly moved out without really mentioning it ahead of time. Despite how much trouble she gave me all the time, I still feel bad that she left. ARgh. I could discuss that for weeks, so on to other things. Since Grandma Marion did leave, and so did I (as you'll read in a minute) my sister has moved back in. Kaina loves it, but I don't know how Kari and Joe like it. I think it's nice, since I can see everyone more often now.
The biggest news is this: Once David got back, we decided to quit delaying the inevitable and get married. We had a small family ceremony at the courthouse on June 14th. It was pretty nice. I had this cute little silvery grey satin dress with black lace overlay, and I found a nice shirt for David in the exact same shade of grey as my dress. We didn't really make a big deal of the ceremony...for he and I, signing the paper and gaining the legal title is really the only change. I guess for other people it's a more drastic lifestyle change, but we started living our lives together quite some time ago without ever officially saying so...I suppose the legalization of it was just a little official validating step for us. Despite that, and the fact that I've already felt married for about a year and a half now, I'm really excited that we're married. It makes me feel happy. Ok, those are understatements of huge proportions, but they'll do. I managed to piss off everyone since I decided to keep my last name. It's distinctly not a feminist move; it's an equalist move. I told him that I'll hyphenate my name if he hyphenates his...probably an overly radical suggestion...I don't expect him to do it while he's in the Army, but I wonder if he'll go along with it once he's out. I'm just glad that he's finally quit bothering me, sending me on guilt trips, about not taking his name. Soooo...after the ceremony, we had a little honeymoon. He took me to Florida to see Universal Studios and Silver Springs Nature Park. We got a little rental Jeep to ride around in, completely by chance, which tickled David to no end. I got in trouble for getting too close to the panthers (No, I did NOT jump the fence. That's stupid. I was safe the whole time, but in a "restricted area" or something.) and Spongebob tried to run away with me. David would probably not like it if a sponge stole his wife. Hehehe. Yeah...I had to ride on a plane. Anyone who knows me knows that airplanes are not my friends. Big, scary monsters, they are. This was actually my first flight...it wasn't so bad, except for the ungodly SIX HOUR delay. Oh well. We got back and had a little reception on June 19th. Almost everyone that really matters came, except some people that lived too far away and one person who had to work. I invited Erica, who came. That was good. Cowboy Tony came, along with his doggy. I love that dog. Lambchop, however, did not. Hehe. After incredible amounts of hassle, David and I bought a house on June 22nd. It's nice. We ran into a streak of luck and ended up with a ton of stuff that we really shouldn't be able to afford, but we managed anyway. Our house is all fancy now. We adopted four more cats from the shelter in Fayetteville. I planned on adopting an injured cat from Garner, but he's living where they don't get killed, while Fort Bragg kills after three weeks...so we got four little boy cats, making a total of five cats. Freya, a grey cat we named Gandalf, a white one with grey tabby spots we named Sir Gingervere, and two little black-tipped grey-brown Siamese we named Musashi and Kojiro. Kojiro hates life and runs from everything, but the rest of them love us. So...after living in my new house for about a week, I left on vacation with my family while David stayed home to do Army crap. So far, my trip has been really nice. I am actually posting this from a hotel in South Dakota. Once I get home, I'll make a post about this trip in detail. Until then, I hope you've enjoyed reading this. Tune in next time for the fabled trip post and a nice little post about reflections on my 20th birthday, which was July 9th. Woo.
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