
May 03, 2012 22:00

“However, during the initial repeat-dose toxicological study of picoprazole, a few of the treated beagle dogs developed necrotizing vasculitis. Fortunately, from the perspective of the project, one control dog also developed this condition. It was subsequently found that all dogs with vasculitis had a male dog called Fabian in their pedigree, and all had antibodies against intestinal worms, which were probably obtained after de-worming. A new toxicological study in another beagle strain, and in nonparasitized dogs, was completely clear of necrotizing vasculitis. Today, it is known that Fabian and his offspring carried the genes for Beagle Pain Syndrome, a rare, latent hereditary beagle dog disease. Vasculitis can be triggered in these dogs by different factors, such as stress and exposure to chemicals. Picoprazole was later used in human volunteers, and showed a potent antisecretory action of very long duration. Indeed, it seemed to be the most powerful inhibitor of acid secretion tested in humans to that date.”

Analogue-based Drug Discovery. IUPAC, János Fischer, and C. Robin Ganellin (Eds.)
 Esomeprazole in the Framework of Proton-Pump Inhibitor Development
 Per Lindberg and Enar Carlsson
© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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