Week 2 and counting

Aug 30, 2010 01:24

So I just got back from home and it was a pretty eventful weekend. I got my pocket book back from Cedar Point and all of my belongings were in there including my social security card. So now I can go and get my job on campus and work at Cedar Point on the weekend until Nov. So now that my security life is back on track now lets get to the school life. So far out of all my classes I only have my Spanish book and not the online homework Quia which I think by the time I get to it I'll fall more behind the schedule deadlines. The other book i have is my comparative politics book which came in yesterday and I have to catch up on 2 chapters so we shall see how that goes as well.

So shit went down hill at my home church today. My aunt has been meditating on a lot of things that the church has been doing to her as far as the back stabbing, lying, pointing fingers at everybody else except for themselves. Im the first person to say this but I feel that one of members need to go. I hate saying that but, she doesnt like the by laws that were passed into our demonination and the by laws that my aunt as a pastor has to follow. She has been telling me aunt this since day one that becasue they by laws were "man' made she doesnt go by them because its not written in the King James Version of the bible. My whole thing is no matter what religion you are no matter where you work and who you work for, there are always going to be rules that you must follow. Even with me working for Cedar Point, I may not like what the company does as far as its policies and how some of those policies they go over and beyond to make sure the guests keep coming back but the employees every year don't kills me. But, I also understand its a place of business and when you are at a place of business you have to seperate yourself from that business and some people don't understand how to do that. Geeze thats a long sentence...but anyway what I can say is that feelings were tested and a lot of opinions were given and the main concensus is if you dont like what's going on at this church or this demonomination..then you need to leave.

Another thing that happened was me and my sister got into it about money issues. It had to do with a lot of miscommunication on both are parts and I took the high rode and called her and apologized first because I hate being mad and upset at my sister and this morning when I was listening to my aunts childerns sermon about controlling and working on your Goliath, mines would be frustration. Because as soon as something doesn't work out the way that I wan it to at that moment I get mad and upset and I explode. Instead of me listeing to both parties and the things that are going on, I lash out and I make the situation much worse than what it really should be. So we both got what we needed to say out and then at the end of the day there is still love and I will never replace her with anybosy or anyone.

So I have this little secret that I plan on doing this semester I really am going to try out this eharmony dating site online. I think as a women the age of 24, I definetly need a loving, nurturing, serious relationship and I think that If I'm committed to doing that then maybe just maybe I will find that one who is just as serious about finding the same committed relationship that I am. Also Im joining a lot of different groups and organizations this year to get my name more out there. I figure one way to win scholarships and recommendation letters is to make sure that your professors know who you are and that your serious individual with a great look on there career. So this year its going to be a brand new more excititng Antoinette and I cant wait to see the outcome of this school year.

senior year

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