Mar 02, 2006 18:01
I went to work today, but not for very long. About fifteen minutes after I got there, Lisa commented on a humming noise she heard. It didn't sound unhappy to me, and I remarked that perhaps we were only noticing it because the store was otherwise empty due to the snowy weather. Wrong.
A minute or two later we all smelled the nasty burning smell in the back, coming from the ceiling. I quickly moved boxes from the aisle. (There are so many units in the back waiting to be worked on or picked up that the fire exit was partially blocked (narrowed), not something we wanted Fire Marshall Bill to see. This is a Bad Thing. The owner knows this; that's one of the reasons she needed to hire someone to get rid of the backlog.) The choking fumes quickly filled the back room, and we exited to the front, and then out completely.
Someone from next door came by, got on a ladder and proclaimed the belt on the HVAC unit to be melted/broken and the cause of the problem. Stinky, but not a safety hazard.
Firepeople came and poked around (grumbling unhappily at the clutter, as we knew would happen), agreed that there appeared to be no fire. HVAC repair was called and he spent time on the ladder working on the unit. I should mention here that we had propped open the front and back doors for an hour or so to air out the fumes. And had no heat (because the HVAC unit was now not working at all). And it was snowing outside.
The HVAC repair guy proclaimed the motor to be DOA and in need of replacement. He'll come back tomorrow with one.
Linda left. After three hours of shivering, I left. I'd figured it'd be a nice quiet day to do repair work without having too many people in the store for interuptions and boy was I wrong about *that*! I told Lisa I'd bring in the two space heaters I have at home to use in the store tomorrow.
I hit KFC on the way home and got large quantities of food. :) I ate way too much after getting home.