Another day shot to hell.

Oct 15, 2005 21:14

OK, I want to at least START with something nice. Last night I went to my house to pick up books. I notice something dark about two feet above the stairs, on the concrete foundation. I think it's a stick blown/stuck there from the storm, but I shine my wee flashlight on it.

Folks, I know it's been raining too much when a NEWT is clinging to the side of my house. The house is *blocks* from the nearest natural water source. In eleven years I have NEVER seen any sort of amphibious (or even reptilian) life in the yard. Until then. I put the little newt into a jar to show Kenny. It's cute. :)

-Missed today's training due to not one but TWO road closures delaying me. I
had built an extra 20 minutes into my travel time so I could be there early or AT LEAST on time.

I got to the meeting location (where everyone was carpooling from) an HOUR after I should have been there. I was not a happy camper. I waited until everyone returned. The day pretty much slid downhill from there.

Eric has reached new lows in not only annoying, but STUPID. I had arranged for him to show up at mom's between 12-2 (any time then would be good), and asked him to do two things: change mom and feed her.

When I finally got home around 3, Eric was in the back working on a gutter, Stefan and Harley were out with him. Dishes were piled in the sink, and a partially eaten frozen dinner was on the table. NOT where mom sits.

None of the dishes looked like stuff mom would eat. WTF? I ask mom if she had lunch. I get a response of "yes, *you* fed me". Um. I fed her *breakfast*. At around 8:30am.

I go outside and ask Eric if she ate. I get a response of "no, she said she didn't want anything". (Mom later clarifies that as what she meant, it being the result of still being full from breakfast. OK. Fine.)

But he didn't CHANGE her either. *fume* "I asked her if she needed to be changed and she said no."

Asshole. How many times do I have to go through this? She can't *tell* if she needs to be changed. Even if she thought she did, with him she'd just say no. I told him AGAIN, don't ask, TELL HER you are going to change her.

He pulls this shit, and he's been harping on the level of care he *thinks* I provide?!?

And for the stupid section:
a)He offers to rent my house "for what we're paying now."
He's *high*.

If I could rent the house, I'd rent it for market value, or *slightly* less. *That* would probably pay the mortage, maybe with a bit left over.

Eric's current rent is $950. My mortgage (with taxes) is slightly less than $1700. Then the oil bill will run around $700 a month (way up from around $400 a month last year) :( :(.

He's all like "so $700 isn't much, you can make up that, right?"

We are now in the land of not only no but FUCK no.

b) Around 8pm he says to me "I've had the van here all day for you and you haven't done *anything*". I tell him he apparently missed me carrying stuff in from the two trips to my house IN MY CAR. I don't need the van for books. I need it for FURNITURE. Bookcase, Eric, bookcase...

c) Stupid from yesterday: "Have you thought at all about plans for her long term care?" (Yes, that's why I'm moving in. Or did you miss that? What planet is he on?)

I moved over ten linear feet of books today. They are now in towering tidy piles here. Happily it has stopped raining, and I got one milk crate empty so I can use that as a carrier. My wrist was not happy about the books, but it got done. More books tomorrow.

I got an email from one of the SPCA folks that basically said we are expected to have two of the FEMA courses completed by our next meeting (in one month).

Those, of course, are the ones I *haven't* started yet. I'll just set aside the one I'm working on and do those then. And here I thought I was whizzing along ahead of schedule on those.

I'm currently baking a bananna cake. As I was about to pour the batter into the pan, I realized it looked funky and remembered I had melted two *full* sticks of butter instead of 1 1/2. Oops. Well the batter was mighty tasty, so we'll see how it comes out. :-p I'll update on that soonish, as it should be nearly ready to come out.

eric, spca, mom

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