Yikes, first post in a long time

Mar 11, 2013 23:19

I have half a million things I want to write about, it seems like, but no time. No time. It has been cuckoo, seriously, for reasons including but not limited to:

* Yossi losing part of his left pinky finger after having it slammed in a door on the hinge side the Shabbos before last (if that never happens again, it will be too soon)
* Yossi chipping one of his front teeth during a walk around the neighborhood last Shabbos
* OS' intermittent attitude problem (we are working on it but progress is so slow)
* I am so burned out on my job it's not even funny (in fact, it's a little alarming to me)
* I'm just now getting my voice back after 3 weeks of hoarse squeaking due to laryngitis, and before that it was a two-week-long fest of norovirus + rhinovirus
* sleep deprivation (so awful)

Good things:

* CJ has been admitted to the gifted program at school. I think the classes start after spring break.
* I decided he's also mature enough to walk home from his bus stop by himself, and he's kept his promise to walk home directly and quickly.
* OS is showing signs of being able to reason through things, even if she's not always willing to use that ability.
* Yossi's vocabulary is really taking off, and he's speaking in sentences and half-sentences regularly. Every time I hear him say "wook!" (look) and turn around to see if I'm watching what he sees, it is a relief. Hooray for joint attention.

Good and bad:

* I've started sending Yossi to playgroup 3x/wk. The good part is that I can actually get more work done. (He's a monkey, into everything, climbing/destroying/exploring/throwing/generally causing mayhem. I can't work when he's awake, not housework and not my job either.) The bad part is that I miss him.

OK, time to go make lunches for tomorrow.
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