Hunting Party.

Oct 02, 2009 01:19

Who: Mima (not_in_windows) and anyone who wants to join a Revya hunting party. (Current takers include bahamukokuu, realfakehero, and ihartsweetcurry, but again, anyone is welcome.) Revya herself may jump in if her mundane wants. I do not care if we find her, only that we try.
What: Like the mods said, it's all Revya's fault. And since the only thing she has now is likely to be a sword and homicidal ( Read more... )

thomas, rin kaenbyou, ciaphas cain, !open, reiuji utsuho, mima

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ihartsweetcurry October 2 2009, 06:11:41 UTC
Thomas had arrived after coaxing a few prinnies to help him draw up a semi-accurate map of the nearby area. "I... I am not much of a fi-fighter, and wa-want to avoid killing if possible, but...." He gives a helpless gesture, noting that he knows that sadly some things are unavoidable.


rin_kaenbyou October 2 2009, 06:29:05 UTC
Has anyone seen Okuu, by any chance?

[Enter a catgirl with a wheelbarrow]


bahamukokuu October 2 2009, 07:10:51 UTC
"EEEEKK!" The scream comes from about as Utusho falls from a large rock above them and lands into Rin's Wheel barrel. She seems to be dazed.


rin_kaenbyou October 2 2009, 07:12:32 UTC
O-okuu! Don't fly! It's dangerous!

Are you okay?


bahamukokuu October 2 2009, 07:19:57 UTC
"I-I think so," Okuu says in a daze. Her head is bleeding slightly.

"Why am I hear again?"


realfakehero October 2 2009, 13:12:21 UTC
"Most of us are here to deal out justice. I'm not quite sure about you, but that's the reason I'm here. Mad cyber-mastiffs need to be taken offline."

Cain grunted as he lifted the Heavy Bolter he had removed from the Salamander. By the Throne, he hadn't appreciated how strong a Space Marine had to be to lift and fire one of these beasts. And despite the ammo belt looped over his shoulders, he didn't have enough rounds to fire for more than a minute or so. Nonetheless, it was the most firepower he's wielded since arriving. And against a mere mortal, it should tear Revya in half.


not_in_windows October 2 2009, 20:58:39 UTC
One cat. One bird. One heavily armed human and one..not armed human. Perhaps not the best group, but it should be enough.

"Our target is that crazy maniac Revya. One way or another, we are making sure that she does not try to destroy the Netherworld or turn anyone evil ever again. Besides, she caused this mess."

"Now, I suggest we all stay together on this one. Safety in numbers, or something like that. <3"


ihartsweetcurry October 2 2009, 22:20:22 UTC
He has a sword but yeah, he's not as heavily armed as Cain. "Ri-right, I got a map of the area around Baal's Ca-castle, and some likely places someone may hide in." Thomas unrolls it so everyone can get a good look.


realfakehero October 3 2009, 01:43:09 UTC
Cain looked the map over and frowned. "Big area to search. We know she was here-" a gloved hand stabbed down at the spot where a wall had recently been painted with blood. "And that she was at the hospital for an indeterminate period after her rampage was ended. Other than that, we don't have much to go on."


bahamukokuu October 3 2009, 02:56:11 UTC
"We can cover more ground if I fly," Utsuho says with a smile. She jumps into the air, but doesn't fly. "Oh, right, I can't fly... I can hit her with my cannon arm! I will do anything to get my powers back."

Utsuho cracks her neck.

"Well, why don't we look for some signs. Hasn't she been leaving everyone messages? We should go to the latest one, and then see if we can find any footprints of something."

Yes, Utsuho just had a smart thought. Most likely she will forget she had this soon.


heroicfanboy October 3 2009, 03:51:40 UTC
Should the party travel a little farther, they would find a very, very scared Almaz. It wasn't difficult to see why; Almaz had the strength of quite a few normal men and still jumped at the slightest sound in the dark. Now that he had discovered his strength had disappeared, as could be inferred from his panting due to running away from all sorts of demons, he actually had a reason to be frightened.

Currently, the Hero could be found in a corner, not actually looking very heroic. Holding his blade in his hands, he was struggling to keep his sight on every angle that an attack could possibly come from. It was a wonder that his weapon still remained in his possession; the combination of nervousness and weight Almaz wasn't used to made the task difficult to accomplish.


not_in_windows October 3 2009, 04:31:55 UTC
When Mima previously said armed, it was more along the lines of "emotionally armed". So she's probably going to bring that up to two.

"Excuse me, have you seen Revya around? We're trying to advantage of this wonderful opportunity...and punish her for starting it. <3"


ihartsweetcurry October 3 2009, 05:14:49 UTC
He nodded to Cain and Utsuho that it was a good idea.

"Are you all right?" Thomas questioned Almaz as he moved closer to take a good look around, one hand on the hilt of his sword.


heroicfanboy October 3 2009, 05:19:38 UTC
"H-Huh?!" Almaz exclaimed, shocked by hearing a voice from the one place he failed to look at. He turned to look at the figure in front of him. He did not know her, but she hadn't tried to kill him yet. Almaz considered that a victory.

"Oh. Revya? I... haven't seen her in a while, actually." He said, now starting to regain his composure due to being near the group of non-aggressive individuals. "Umm, my guess is that she would be hiding pretty well, seeing as she's not exactly what you could call 'popular' around here." Turning to look at Thomas, he gave a smile and a nod. "I'm okay. At least for now. Thanks!" He said.


realfakehero October 5 2009, 15:46:33 UTC
"Lieing low would be my guess as well, but the problem is of course where." Cain shook his head and frowned. "Give me a decent auspex and I'd find her, but that kind of equipment seems pretty rare in these parts. And on foot, we simply have too many areas to search. The Lava flows in this area leave the ground full of caves and hidden valleys where she could be, and that's ignoring all the structures."


not_in_windows October 6 2009, 17:18:02 UTC
Now then, somewhere nearby, it what we can call a cutscene I guess, there is a gathering of monsters. Specifically, ghosts. Possibly the weakest of monsters next to the Prinny at least in Disgaea 1

Standing on a pedastal was the obvious head of this group.

"For years, us ghost monsters have been the botoom of the ladder, right next to the Pixies! We don't have big attack power or fancy special skills or even a dramatic final special move! And thus the other characters can just squash us beneath their heels."

"That changes today! Now everyone from outside of here might as well have their stats set to zero! We will take our revenge upon them and gain massive experience points! And thus, we will take our rightful place as the strongest monsters ofthe Netherworld! BOO-KEN!"

"BOO-KEN!" came the answering shout traveling within earshot of our motley party.

[And thus, hijinks]


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