Who: Mima (
not_in_windows) and anyone who wants to join a Revya hunting party. (Current takers include
realfakehero, and
ihartsweetcurry, but again, anyone is welcome.) Revya herself may jump in if her mundane wants. I do not care if we find her, only that we try.
What: Like the mods said, it's all Revya's fault. And since the only thing she has now is likely to be a sword and homicidal mania, Mima is leading a posse to track her down and beat her up while they still can. Of course, the problem is finding Revya in the first place...when she's currently the least threatening person here.
When: Sometime before the wedding, I guess. Cain has to officiate, so...
Where: Out and around the entire Netherworld. They will be searching every nook and cranny.
It was quiet in the Netherworld. Perhaps too quiet. Clearly a sort of calm before the storm. Not that it phased Mima one bit as she looked at her temporary party of the varied individuals currently trapped in this Netherworld.
"So then" Mima said to all of those who assembled. "We all know who we're going after?"