A feast fit for a Mid-Boss.

Apr 07, 2009 18:13

Who: Anyone and everyone! Feel free to interact with each other, too.
What: Click.
When: Evening of April 7th.
Where: Inside Overlord Baal's castle; dining room.

By now, the residents and prisoners of Overlord Baal's castle would have been made completely aware of the feast that was to take place on the seventh night of April. Fliers detailing the event had been posted up throughout the entire interior of the castle, welcoming anyone and everyone to attend on the scheduled evening. But when said evening had actually arrived, they might find something peculiar printed outside the designated area of the celebration.

Outside the dining room, a large poster stretched across the wall, containing a similar message to the fliers, but with two revisions. The first describing the hostess Etna as the 'exceptionally good looking Beauty Queen' in place of the old 'considerably less beautiful (in regards to Vyers himself) but still quite good-looking', and the second welcoming Baal and his assembly to attend as well.

Indeed, it would seem as if this poster was almost too welcoming towards Overlord Baal, even moreso than to the residents of the castle. Anyone who had seen or heard about his conflict with the Dark Assembly might find this especially suspicious of Vyers; or it could be that he was just sucking up. Whatever the case, the feast was now opening its arms for Baal to attend.

Inside the dining room, one would find an alluring banquet of great size; with several buffets positioned at opposing ends of the room for guests. Whatever high chairs and dining tables were available in the dining room were utilized in an accessible manner as well. All of this was arranged masterfully for the occasion, and standing tall on the center table was none other than the host himself, welcoming and inviting all to make themselves feel comfortable.

"Come one, come all!" he shouted. "I am Vyers! An aristocrat of both strength and beauty! They call moi the Dark Adonis, but you can refer to me as simply your host! I, and my lovely hostess Etna invite you all to be our guests! Please, make yourselves at home! The buffets are prepared and open to all! Haaaahh!!"

ciaphas cain, !open, gilgamesh wulfenbach, etna, vyers, raspberyl, almaz von almandine adamant, laharl

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