Who: Garland, Nia,
Pink-chan, Yoko, various minions and possibly innocent bystanders.
What: Nia embarks upon a rescue mission, and Foxfire apologizes for all the recent friendslist spamming. Sorry 'bout that, folks.
When: March, 20th-21st.
Where: Room 101, Room 102, surrounding areas depending on how crazy we get.
Fortunately for both the mission and the repair staff, Garland's dungeon was on the ground floor, and Pink-chan only made a few dents in the outer walls as Nia got the hang of the steering system.The Haro-mech had its own opinions, and the occasional high-pitched cry of "Bad driver! Bad driver!" rang out through the night. At long last, they reached the end of the building. This was it. Nia steeled her spirit, narrowed her eyes, backed up Pink-chan a few dozen meters, and hit the pedals which, after some trial and error, she had clearly marked "Go Forward" and "Go Forward Very Very Fast". The mecha crunched through the wall effortlessly, its large, blankly smiling face looming out of the crumbling rock in a manner reminiscent of a certain copyrighted flavored drinks mascot. The cockpit slowly creaked open...
...Strange. It was dark. Perhaps Sir Garland was sleeping?
"Miss Yoko! Sir Garland!"
Nia waited for a moment, then called again, to the same lack of effect as before. Garland had never seemed like a heavy sleeper, and she knew that Yoko, certainly, would have noticed the distinctive sound of giant robots breaking things. Further investigation revealed a light switch, which further revealed that the room was unoccupied, the furnishings were untouched beyond a very recent coating of rock dust, and that there was one door, which did not lead to a dungeon, but to the first floor hallway, directly across from the room bearing Garland's nameplate. Oh. Nia quietly closed the door, got back into Pink-chan, maneuvered it across from and directly facing the door, and hit the "Very Very Fast" pedal again. Pink-chan shot forward, utterly destroying both doors and a fair piece of wallspace with them. If either Garland or Yoko had been asleep, odds were that was no longer the case.
EDIT: Log canceled due to various factors.