(no subject)

May 15, 2018 00:05

omg. i just watched mahoro ekimae tada benriken again... and now knowing what i know about gyoten and tada, it becomes EVEN more meaningful now T_T

spoilers ahead!

gyoten... when we see him at the start, he leaves a knife behind at the bus stop stand when tada agrees to send him to the train station.

his brief ex-wife explains to tada that the last she heard of gyoten was when she had called him to let him know that his parents had told her that they wanted to take care of child!haru... he told her not to worry, and that he'd take care of it...

...and now knowing that his parents were in a sick cult that caused him trauma to no end from years of abuse... oh man. initially, when he had said:

"So many parents abuse their children till they die. But few kids kill their parents. I wonder why?"...

i had thought that gyoten wanted to end his years of suffering and protect child!haru through some kind of vengeance *horrified*. and that to me was already so tragic.

...but he wasn't thinking about vengeance... he was thinking of how to protect child!haru from suffering the same tragic fate as he did T_T omg. gyoten!!!! you are one of the most layered and amazing characters i have known from fiction!!

the writer is incredible. shion miura. she is able to utilise both space and emptiness, what is said and unsaid... in a story to effectively bring out the subtlest of themes. the nuances in their emotions are just WOW. you can't help but fall in love with mahoro, this very normal-seeming town, where people are just trying their best to live. and you can't help but grow fond - so fond - of the characters as well T_T

tada and gyoten... just two guys trying their best to live in spite of all the hurt the world has given them. T_T

my one and only complaint about this show is man does the first movie have a very strange soundtrack that does not match the show at all HAHAHA (i loved the OP and ED of the drama though).

i bet there must be some reviewers who would feel that the show should have ended with the climax of gyoten recovering... but i think the show's end is really a true end (to this arc). the tadaiima kind of ending <3

i love this story so much :)

mahoro ekimae bangaichi

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