The past 2 days of freedom from Spring finals being over, and any social outings out of the way, have led me to be on a huge dollfie-related updating spree! I'm sooo glad to be able to work on the Netherwind Embrace project again, so much that my slight return to WOW has been tossed aside again (mmm compared to how much I'd played during the earlier part of the week while waiting for friends to study for their finals when i'd already completed studies for my own).
Update list
Netherwind Whispers - Chapter II A majority of it was written at least 2 weeks ago, but edited heavily according to many new ideas I'd came up with (with Moggy's help) recently. Inspiration comes when it comes, so write when it does!
2) Because Chapter II is up and completed, Chapter III is in progress. I've given up trying to be philosophical like Anne Rice, so I'm just writing the story simple, descriptive like I like it, and hopefully entertaining. I want more chapters up! My head is gonna burst cos of the many ideas.
3) A DoA moderator and creator of a new VOLKS FAQ Database communicated with me through forum PMs - Glade is honored to join several other gorgeous F17s ("pokes Akito & Tolen*) in the
F17 headmold database!
4) Glade has a new split-personality... CRIM
These were the first pair of eyes Glade wore when we replaced his Domuya ones after he changed owners.. kinda nostalgic!
I'm at a loss of what to do with the long long long hair! Argh!
More Picspam here, of the many attempts before Moomba was happy with the red eyes.
5) A potential new addition to our doll family, essential to Glade's past. She has no planned physical existance yet (I'm considering some doll molds Moggy showed me from Dream of Doll). She'll probably be a 40cm doll, and her personality and appearance are still being decided. I'll need to introduce her into the story first, which might be at least 2 chapters away, before we consider actually getting a physical form for her.
Fangirl shout to:
Axel! I actually like Axel (Kingdom Hearts II) more than I realized o_O|| Must stalk her LJ Aaaaaaa! <3
And hurrah, my car can finally see the car doctor tomorrow, and me and moggy will resort to more familiar homeland ways of transportation - public bus! LOL ooh dear, need to start charging my ipod again. and WTF, summer school starts this thursday! Euuuw.. but at least its only 3 times a week. Oh yeah, and more home cooking since the car will be gone =)