An AU-List but with Kpop videos, part 6

Mar 16, 2016 23:17

16. Turn of the Century
FIN.K.L - Now

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Yeah, we are obviously going with the turn of the most recent century. And this is terrible. But it was either this or "g.o.d - Friday Night" and at least the ladies here are pretty.

17. Plot of your Favorite Book
Kay, I had to bend the rules for this one. I don't have a favourite book, so I went with "favourite genre" and my favourite genre is pain, drama and tears. Oh, and friendship. :D

Big Bang - Lies

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They all look terrible but then again this was released in 2008 and if you wanna know what other boybands looked like in 2008 here is TXVQ still going on my nerves after all this time and here is SHINee. With their debut single. God, I feel so sorry for them.. At least Big Bang had money for shirts. Not for the left half of Daesung's jeans jacket but at least they aren't running around naked. Well, not yet.

The colour scheme is "urban" aka "we wanna be sooo edgy and also we are emo". The scene in the super market is so fucking awkward and all of Big Bang look ready to die from embarassment. But still, I think that the emotions are fairly obvious (if only because G-Dragon - that's the dude in the white shirt taking the fall for the lady - looks fantastic when he is suffering). I adore this sort of drama. "A Tale of Two Cities" forever ruined me. Big Bang's version is more "A tale of two rather shoddy apartments and a dingy nightclub" but eh, details.

18. Elizabethan Era
Nope. Can't think of anything that isn't too far fetched. This whole challenge came to a crashing halt because "turn of the century" and "elizabethan era" turned out to be quite incompatible with my preferred kpop groups, so I will stop agonizing over this and just skip this one.


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