An AU-List but with Kpop videos

Feb 17, 2016 19:03

Welllllll, how are you guys doing? I am so sorry for not ever commenting these days but January was pretty tiring. I had a family get-to-gether which went... okay. As in "my great-aunt asked me what I am doing with my life and I went into super-spy-mode and derailed the conversation so we instead talked about the weather and her new kitchen for fifteen minutes"-okay. My dad made fun of me soooo hard afterwards.

Anyway, I am still pretty hard into kpop and working on several fics. Nothing is working out though, God, I need smaller projects. Everything always ends like this:

Me: "Hey wouldn't this be a super cute fic?"
My self-sabotaging brain: "Yeah, but it would need about 50k words of exposition to get its point across."
Me, still motivated: "It's two people making out and having feels, what kind of exposition...?"
My brain: "And what about the deeply emotional and very important artistic message?"
Me, exasperated: "Kiwi, for the love of God, you are writing about Kpop-people!!!"
My brain: "Ohhh, look, a Kpop-dude released another song, shinyy...."
Me, in pain:No, that's not SHINee, that's B.A.P... I MEAN: AAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!

So yeah. It's not even like I am not writing anything, but the stuff I'm writing is either super short drabbles or rpg-posts and while I really like those as well, I would love to write a longer story. I lack the motivation - not even the ideas - for longer stuff at the moment (and by longer, I mean that I threw myself a tiny party when I got to 2k words on that one fic. I haven't touched it since though for fear of ruining it xD).

Anyway, I found this adorable AU-challenge on tumblr and since I am aware that taking on a writing challenge would only end in frustration, I decided to show you people why I like Kpop so much (well, apart from the uber weird fashion and pretty people dancing very well). I will try to do like one or three each day, so I will force myself into writing even if it's just some words about a video. I'll skip and change some things from the challenge because even if there was a MV set in the "1940ies" I don't think I'd like to watch that, so basically this list will be me showing off my favourite groups :D.

1. Fantasy
School OZ (Key, Changmin, Luna, Yoona, Xiumin, Suho, five thousand other people) - One Day

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It frigging does not get any more fantasy than this. It really doesn't. There is a dragon. Color coded super powers. Changelings. ANGEL WINGS. FUCKING ANGEL WINGS. This is a hologram musical (aka a fancy movie XD) with a lot of SM Entertainment artists. Some people of the biggest KPOP-groups are in this vid and busy fighting dragons. I do not remember that many dragons in the Wizard of Oz but to be honest I DO NOT CARE. OH GAWD. I WANT FIC SO MUCH FIC.

2. Highschool
GFriend - Rough

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Since every Kpop-group ever has to do a school concept at least once in their lifetime, I had a hard time picking just one. I went with GFriend's newest release "Rough" because I love the dance, I love the song, I love the girls (still can't tell three of them apart though, damn it xD). I am kinda glad that they went with a different style than most mvs set in a highschool: Instead of having them break out into song in the middle of class and either beating up their teachers or getting them to join them, the girls are reminiscing about their time in school, meeting each other after their graduation and DIGGING UP THEIR TIME CAPSULE AWWW MY HEART. I AM JUST REALLY INTO THIS GIRLFRIENDSHIP THING OKAY I LOVE IT. That last dance move with the clock and the end position as if they were stopping midstep is absolutely beautiful as well.

3. 1950s
Girls' Generation - Lion Heart

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I don't even like this song. Not at all. But the fashion LOOK AT ALL THAT FASHION and all that diffuser and yeah they capture the motto pretty well and I very much like the twist :D

meme, kpop, writing

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