Female Character Challenge - The ladies need our love part 3

Jan 14, 2013 15:19

Day Ten: Favourite female character in a scifi/supernatural show

Juliette Silverton - Grimm

Juliette as Nick's wonderful girlfriend made a strong impact on me - because although she falls into many tropes concerning women in sci-fi-shows (like getting assaulted because her boyfriend is a nutjob who doesn't tell her anything, getting kissed without consent, loosing her entire memory). She is a loving, intelligent, wonderful woman who outright refuses Nick's proposal of marriage when she feels that he is not being completely honest with her.
She is a supporting character but that doesn't mean she can't handle herself or her loose-running boyfriend. ;D

Day Eleven: Favourite female character in a children’s show

Nikki and Teresa - Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse

Oh God those two. They are the bubbly, not-as-supercool-but-still-awesome counterpart to Barbie herself and spice up her life with crazy adventures and a superpositive attitude on life. Teresa is a bit naive and doesn't handle sarcasm very well but that's what Nikki is for: her best friend is always watching over her and standing up for Teresa and the others. They form a perfect pair and even though it's kinda hard to get in-depth character development in a 3-minute-online show, the voice actresses made it work for me. You go, girls! <2

Day Twelve: Favourite female character in a movie

Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games

I must say, I'm still not too keen on the whole Hunger Games franchise but Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) surprised me in this role: she is brave, a great fighter, does everything for her family but is not without fault too, which makes her a round and altogether really loveable character. <33

Day Thirteen: Favourite female character in a book

Clair de Witt - Die Stadt der Toten

Clair is a private detective, prone to drugs and esoteric methods to solve her cases. She knows how to fight against goons with weapons but she is not one of those superstrong, supertough cliché crime fighters. She had to fight throughout her whole life but she is neither icecold nor completely emotional. She has her weaknesses too but that only serves to make her a well rounded character.

Day Fourteen: Favourite older female character

Galadriel - The Lord of the Rings

She counts as "older" right? Even though she is Elvish and Gimli will have my head for saying a bad word about her. xD
Galadriel is one of the few female characters in LotR but what a brilliant wonderful woman she is: one of the High Elves of Noldor, the highest ranking Elvish queen in Middle Earth during the Ring War. To the minds of men and dwarfs she is estranged, but she doesn't share their apathy, instead reaching out to them. She is a powerful person in charge but she knows her share of war and doesn't give in to the temptation - neither when Frodo wants to give her the One Ring nor when she could have gone to the West during the War.

Day Fifteen: Favourite female character growth arc
Gemma Doyle - A great and terrible beauty, Rebel Angels, The sweet far thing

YA-books are usually much focused on the growth of the main character and so is Libba Bray's Doyle-trilogy. The books make for a light read and I might have been a bit too old for them when I read them about a year ago. Nonetheless I found watching Gemma growing into a self-confident young woman a nice read. She started out as an insecure girl, with childish views on family, relationships and society - but as she faces many obstacles she grows and has to make many very painful decisions that ultimately change her attitude towards her surroundings (like discovering that her father is not the strong, flawless person she wants him to be).


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