Female Character Challenge - The ladies need our love part 2

Jan 12, 2013 15:06

Day Six: Favourite female-driven show

My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

They are cute. They are funny. They are diverse. They are here to tolerate and love the shit out of you.
MLP is brilliant despite some parts of its really crazy and nasty fanbase. Yes, they have some problems like inherent racism in some episodes but still. It is one of the few shows to feature girls in powerful fantasy settings without focusing on boyfriends, shopping or whatever the heck the usual cliché for shows about girls is (yes, I am looking at you, Monster High, go into your corner of shame). There is no wrong way to be a girl - some like sports, some like books, some like frilly dresses and some like slaying dragons with words. IT’S ALL FINE. AS LONG AS YOU GO AND HAVE ADVENTURES TOGETHER. <3

Day Seven: A female character that needs more screen time

Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter

I was tempted to file Tonks under “screwed over by canon”-characters but then I reminded myself that firstly that category would explode if I explained everything that went wrong with all my favourite ladies and secondly Tonks’ character could have been easily solved just by spending a bit more time on her.
Nymphadora Tonks - descending from the infamous Black family, seen as a disgrace by almost all her relatives, a halfblood witch with metamorphmagus skills, sassy as they come, a young fearless brave woman, an Auror since she was 21 years old, fighting against Lord Voldemort in the heart of corruption, the Ministry of Magic, as an undercover spy.
I could point to a bazillion things that I would have loved to see on screen or even just in the books instead of Harry gushing over various love interests. Seriously. -..- I know that Tonks is just a background character but she forms a relationship with the author’s favourite character for Moony’s sake and still she must endure the fate of a love-sick teenager whenever Harry sees her during the sixth book! Good lord. Grr.
Yes, I am kinda against the relationship of Remus and Tonks but mostly because it was so stupidly rushed! The whole scene in the hospital wing was pointless; it distracted from the drama around Bill’s injury and felt incredibly far-fetched. I would have preferred for Harry to notice some sort of connection between her and Lupin during his visits or whatever, without that whole big announcement in the most inappropriate moment possible. Blarghs.
I still adore her. xD

Day Eight: Favourite female character in a comedy show

Max Black - Two Broke Girls

I don’t really watch that much comedy (without pinku I still wouldn’t know anything about” How I met your mother” xD) but when I became aware of the fact that Kat Dennings (glorious wonderful perfect Kat Dennings) plays the main character I couldn’t help but take a look into the show.
I’m still not a big fan of sitcoms but watching Max and Caroline struggle through life and love and being sassy and great friends and all of that lifts my spirits on a regular basis.
I love seeing them grow and adapt to each other’s view on the world and guys and life in general and - time for me being shallow - I also adore that Max is a bit heavier than Caroline. It suits her perfectly and we need more fierce ladies with big boobs. ;D

Day Nine: Favourite female character in a drama show

Lady Oscar - The Rose of Versailles

Yes, this might be a stretch since “Lady Oscar” does have quite a lot of male characters that make an impact on the story.
Nonetheless, the focus always remains on our Lady Oscar as the main character and her relationships - with the Queen Marie Antoinette, with Rosalie, with André and von Fersen but the guys are usually just there to be nice to look at while the women do all the work. ;D
Oscar is a fierce, young lady, brave and noble and although she herself grows up in the luxurious home of a nobleman and spends most of her time around royalty and rich folks, she still is one of the first to see how much the common people suffer and deals with it in the only way she knows: she focuses all her energy and strength onto those who have been wronged and helps start one of the biggest revolutions of all time. If that isn’t enough drama-potential... ;D

And because I'm feeling generous, have a video about one of my favourite Takarazuka-actresses covering a famous Jpop-song

image Click to view

Yes, I'm shallow and love her clothes and her pretty dancing that's why you are getting this. <333 Awww, pretty ladies having pretty little love triangles. <333


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