Look! Shiny new icons! Mwahahah! xD

Apr 03, 2012 01:35

So yeah. First day of university today after the spring break which seemed to go on for eternity. 
It went as expected: meh.

I just hate people in general, I think. Dumb people at last.

God, students are sometimes so... BLARGH. Stupid, childish and a bazillion other things that I am myself but still. 
It's getting worse when I'm in constant fangirl mood (thanks Marvel xD) because I get so easily distracted that I can't really focus on what people are telling me and since I am not one for too much friendly small talk I really don't know what to say to people who are constantly spamming me with their life facts (I'd love to rip their tongues out sometimes, but I don't think that's appropriate behaviour... xD). Blergh.

Oh and really: if our teacher explains how to make a mindmap or how to read "complicated texts" one more time I will be shooting someone with my eye lasers, I swear to God. God fucking damn it. If there's one thing that upsets me more than injustice it's this: getting treated as if I was stupid and spent the last three years under a rock.

"You should always use a dictionary if you are not sure what a complicated word means."
Oh really? Wow. Call the patent office that idea will revolutionize the world, I'm sure of it. -..-

"It is really important to mark the quotations in your therm paper." 
OH YOU DONT SAY?!?!?!? God.

And then we have students (sixth semester perhaps?) who ask stuff like: Do we really have compulsory attendance in this class too? NO OF COURSE NOT WE ARE ALL VERY SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES HERE. Hulk, please smash them. Please. Q_Q

/rant (sorry guys xD)

And now for something completely different; Go watch "Ultimate Spiderman" from Disney XD. I nearly laughed my ass of during the first episode: it's basically about Spiderman as a high school kid who is getting trained by SHIELD (Fury is the coolest guy on earth, really. Oh my God. And Captain America and Iron Man get mentioned constantly and then this happens:

image Click to view

and everything is just way too awesome and cuten and so gaaaaaaaaaaay, it's hilarious... xD)

rl, uni, cartoon, tv

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