some short notes

Aug 09, 2011 13:57

  •  I am very much enjoying my summer break (although I still have to prepare a presentation ("Social Mobility in Japan") but that isn't due to the second week of October so... fuck it. xD )
  • I applied for a job as SHK (Studentische Hilfskraft) at the Sprachlernzentrum because a friend of mine recommended it to me. Just hope the guy responsible will answer soon - according to my friend it's an easy and very well paid job so... *fingers crossed* 
  • I was accepted at "Fernuni Hagen" for "Rechtswissenschaften" ( a mix between Jura and BWL... fml) - it's not that big of a surprise because all you need to enter there is an A-Level exam, but I am still... I don't know. Happy but not so much. I was really convinced to do that and knowing how high the salaries could be once I finish my studies is a major motivation boost (I found an internship which pays 1000€/a month for exactly this field of studies. For my current field I would have to thank the heavens to find anything let alone something that pays me -..-) although I know that money shouldn't be the only thing that is letting me stick to it. Oh well, we'll see, once the semester starts.
  • I finally got around to play "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood" (not pinku's version but my own xD) and I still love it. I spent the last three days glued to my TV running through Rome and building it up again defending it against the Borgia scum! YEAAAAAH!

Well that's pretty much it. I just felt the need to write something so my LJ doesn't die down completely. ;D 

rl, blah, ps3

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