"This ability to be both vulnerable and totally ruthless."

May 14, 2009 23:30

All the excitement for the LOST finale almost made me miss this but luckily gemmi_joo reminded us all that today is the birthday of the one and only Cate Blanchett! :)

Join them and come enjoy the picspam!

Okay, let's start with one of my top favourite pictures that in my opinion defines the ~fluidity~ that is her trademark.

There aren't many people out there who can claim they were aware of her before Elizabeth. I certainly wasn't, but it was love at first sight.

Of course she had already been winning awards and getting incredible reviews in Australia.

Talking about awards, this is my favourite Oscar picture:

And since we're on the topic of The Aviator, here's one of my all time favourite red carpet costumes:

... along with this!

What? She just can't help it. Someone's gotta do the fabulous!

Talking of which:

Okay. I want to make it very clear that in no way are the following three pictures grouped together for any reason whatsoever.

Okay so let's talk about being the Supreme Queen of England, Ireland, France, Virginia, Middle-earth and the Universe.

And remember: ~when you fail, fail gloriously~

Or you could just go ~slightly mental~

Cate has no idea what we're talking about. But she does encourage us to go on, please.

So let's reminisce about some films.

Oscar & Lucinda (Can you believe I've only seen bits of this. I have the VHS somewhere, though...)

Notes On A Scandal (See that handwritten bit? Truer words have never been spoken.)


The Talented Mrs. Blanchett (I've only watched this once, and 50% that was through my fingers. She was amazing, there's just too much too brutal violence.)

Little Fish (Not enough people have seen this, it's beautiful!)

Veronica Guerin (Seriously underrated!)

The Aviator (Couldn't leave it out.)

I have a thing for these huge contrast / light and shadow photos of her:

And the same goes for the black & white, especially the following three which to me are flawless:

And now let's make a round of "Cate & the awesome".

These two O-M-G. There is a script waiting somewhere out there that calls for these two in the leading roles. I have to believe so.

Does it get any cuter than this?

The amount of pretty in this photo exceeds the allowed limit in several countries.

And let's not forget ~the arrogant~ and ~the aloof~ :)

Okay and I have to include this one because it always cracks me up and I have no idea what's going on in it, except everyone seems to be in their own little world:

And you just knew I couldn't finish this without one more photo of

Now, you might have noticed that I cheated and lied and there were actually more than 40 pics. But it was files ;P. See, like this:

That was just one photo. And here's another for saying "byeh byeh!"

Feel free to post your own favourites if you want to. Also, don't forget to join the fanlisting in celebration, ok? :) Thanks!

cate, picspam

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