May 13, 2009 04:04
In an effort to appear to be in control of my online life, I have just made my first ever friends cut and also removed a ton of communities (and removed a few twitterers as well). Please don't take this as a personal insult because it is not meant to be one. Come on, I consider some of you my RL friends as well. "Friends cut" is really a too harsh phrase.
If you got removed it was because of one or more of the following:
1) you never comment on my entries
2) I never comment on yours
3) you haven't updated within the past couple of years
4) I made a mistake
If you think the last one applies or for some reason desperately want to keep following my random nonsense anyway, feel free to let me know and I'll be happy to add you back. :)
If this seems to work and the sky doesn't fall, I might remove a few more that I was hesitant about. And then I'll cut down a few email groups I think and... I really should get some fls adopted out as well. *sigh*
real life,