I can get behind that.

Nov 24, 2010 12:58

Just posting a little about Pokemon again with a side-helping of i11, okay anyone who is not interested kindly ignore this entry, etc. In which I am very selfish and rude, you have been warned.

lol @ the name changes. As with everything, it takes getting used to for a lot of people. Isshu is technically the 'USA' in the games, or whatever it is (answer: amazing). It would make reasonably logical sense for the region to undergo a name change. If you don't like it...that sucks, I'm sorry for your loss but no one can really help you. (I liked the name Isshu and I'm sad to see it go, but hey, life goes on.)

If you don't like the new names, too bad? Opinions definitely vary on them, sure. This is merely mine. But - I mean, name changes happen every generation and they're kinda official and everything. IMO the English ones are better. Not that the Japanese names are bad, but...really not my thing. And seriously, half of the haters get over themselves eventually (I HOPE).

Inazuma Eleven is this fandom that continually baffles me. WHY DO 'KID' FANDOMS HAVE SUCH...STRANGE FANS. I mean, we've seen how bad Pokemon can be and please keep that shit off my flist tyvm, but this fandom. THIS FANDOM. What is going on, and I just have to say that I am so sick of hearing the ~whispers~ of it or whatever. Wow I just, I have no idea, the fans of this series are so hardcore. So yeah really, wtf is going on??? I mean, even at the height of my obsession I guess I never really...became like that...

Tell me when The Kingdom comes in, because I really have managed to force myself into a state of 'IDGAF' or else I will have some sort of brain damage over this fandom. Seriously.

TL;DR - I need to get over myself, obviously.

i love my pokemon, i am going to a special hell, pokemon again!?, this is srs bsns ok, only inazuma can have shota i like, i want your lulz and i want your fanwank, controversy is a way of life, what is this i don't even -

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