you gotta believe in me ☆

Apr 05, 2010 14:33

or at least as 'back' as I can get since I got home over a week ago but lost interest in Livejournal for awhile.

DID ANYTHING HAPPEN WHILE I WAS GONE? a la username-changes, fandom revolutions, world-wide-wank and other things like that?

The sky on the ferry-ride there was almost-flat.

This was the room me and my friend checked into.

This would be the same room at night.


My friend brought her doll along to take pictures of it against Batam's backdrops...and I ended up snapping pictures of the scape because seriously, you don't see rustic charms like these AT ALL where I live, okay? [Even if Indonesia's toilets are horrible, and even that's an understatement on my part.]

This is my friend's doll, she's really pretty 8Db /snapped this at random while she wasn't looking

So we went off from Location A and ended up at this...sand-field thingie. And while my friend busied herself with her doll I looked at the sky and decided 'MUST SNAP PICTURES OF THIS'. Why?
Because a storm was coming.

And there there were the ones taken while on a taxi.


Still on that taxi btw


Before we realized it, the storm was almost here.

And then I snapped more pictures before we had to leave.

And then the rain began, crazy-heavy the minute we got back into the taxi. By the time we got closer to the resort the roads were flooded as in seriously flooded, and the rocky hills were practically spewing muddy water in waterfalls. It was gorgeous, cold, and it's the sort of rain and sky that makes you miss the times you used to run outside to play in the rain as a kid.

Pictures in the taxi, I be taking them.



Okay, now that I have no more pictures, it was basically - GO TO BATAM, EAT, SHOP, TAKE PICTURES, WATCH A MOVIE, SLEEP for like about three days.
And I bought about...4-5 tops and 4-ish bottoms and that's really insane [and worth it] considering the amount of other-junk I had to pay for too 8Da
What movies did I watch? Re-watching Percy Jackson, watching Sherlock Holmes, Bring It On 5 [INSIDE-JOKES APLENTY HERE], and The Lovely Bones.

Sherlock Holmes is really gay, The Lovely Bones is touching, PJO is as hilarious and epic as ever and Bring It On 5 is just...not sure if want. And the beds in the resort were so cushy okay, I really liked the smell of the towels provided for some reason...they're so comfy. ):

My only warning is the TOILETS as in the PUBLIC TOILETS because OH MY GOD I had no idea there was no tissue paper my gods I was scarred for life in the toilets there srsly. /CRIES Okay maybe I complain too much but lmfao I wasn't expecting it okay. :la no one told me!


- Welcome aruka_san and squarked to my journal! We will see a lot of each other VERY soon...

- I watched Clash of the Titans like, two days ago and the memory of how BADASS it was doesn't LEAVE, you know? Okay, so I hear people bitch [oh boo hoo, really] about how it's 'RUINING MAH GREEK MYTHOLOGY' and I raise to you the fact that it's supposed to be marketed as a badass-action-semi-myth-thing aimed audience that presumably knows nothing about who the fuck Perseus is other than 'he slayed the gorgon'. It's supposed to be epic, not accurate. Hence, Rule Of Cool was invoked.

Jinn ahoy [yay Egyptian lore], Giant Trucking Scorpions that make me SO DAMN PROUD, HADES 'GIVING BIRTH' TO THE KRAKEN MY DAY HAS BEEN MADE [seriously I o_O'd and then started LAUGHING since HOLY SHIT NORDIC MYTHOLOGY TOO!?], really short armor-skirt-things-whatever my god you get really good shots of their FINE, MANRY legs throughout the movie, the Olympians are dazzling (literally - and Apollo speaks lmfao), and HAHAHA MY GODS is Hades damn sexy even though he got hijacked by Satan for a good while there [DAMN SEXY I TELL YOU, also he has these EPIC moments where he blossoms out of nowhere complete with EPIC MUSIC AND DRAMATICS].

Oh and did I mention how pretty most of it was? 8Da [I mean hell, they're gorgeous.] I also have no idea what Io was doing there, but okay. And also, this movie is randomly gay sometimes but PFFFT I HAD A SQUEE/HEART-ATTACK MOMENT IN THE CINEMA WATCHING THE EPIC UP CLOSE. :l

You know, maybe it's just that I enjoy most things until they cross a Moral Event Horizon. Then shit gets real. [And I judge people based on this, everyone judges people based on their opinions; tell me you don't do it even subconsciously and I will 'orly' at you.]

- We Shot The Moon has the cutest album covers. They're gorgeous and Sway Your Head makes me happy with the world. (:

- This entry is LONG; how have all of you been?

this makes no goddamn sense, mythology fuck yeah, why so awesome, i am going to a special hell, this is srs bsns ok, this is kinda irrelevant: welcome post, controversy is a way of life, lowercase is for the weak, i wanna take you home gdi, i'd hit that like a truck, pictures of anything other than me

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