☆ Episode 352; wordy mess forever ffff

Mar 21, 2010 01:10

★ RL: A part of me thinks I might be sick ;__; And I still cannot wait for school to hurry up and begin.

★ RL: Trip to library early tomorrow fuck yeah. HOPEFULLY I'll be able to borrow more stuff. Does anyone know of any book or a series where you have this protag who's kinda of suckered into finding X number of Important Objects or Important Meaningful People?

★ Pokemon: At Ecruteak after clearing everything in the city, and now I am more determined than ever to set Ho-Oh free. ):

kurocha should recognize this hurr :3c
Each time I update about HG will come with art now!? /lol practice?

Current Progress:
Location - Ecruteak
Next Up - Mount M-something and Olivine
Team -
Ello the BadAss lv.29 Gengar [who can tear down anything in her way now fuck yeah]
Jaws the lv.31 Feraligatr
I need to find Houndour, Natu, and give myself a Sneasel/Weavile now.

★ Fandom: I am now reading through Vinland Saga! WHAT IS IT ABOUT you ask? VIKINGS. And it only gets more badass from there. /READS

★ Writing: I was walking in circles at 3AM early today and I thought about creating my own epic - like one of those sagas, see. And then it became this insane half-Alice in Wonderland thing because it kind of SOUNDS like a 'girl goes from fantastical event to fantastical event' thing except this stuff is slightly more...WTF. Based off that I will write my own 'what the fuck were you thinking nerr' mythology, complete with some oddass pantheon and with that quaint old style they use on myths. :la lol my brain on sleep way to go self

★ Writing/Mythology: SO I WROTE Odin+Loki (my version of them within my '10 Nanowrimo verse) for fallacist and HURR THIS WAS HER PENANCE FOR HAVING ME WRITE THAT. Her version within her OC verse obviously. Hermes/Pollo and the second part being everywhere at once lmfao. Quit making me want to write my Nanowrimo BEFORE Nanowrimo you...and maybe I WILL. D8

★ Music: This is the single reason why I used to love Runescape. Though now I hear it's changed. Eh.

spamming you since forever, pimping & recommendations, i love my pokemon, mythology fuck yeah, why so awesome, pokemon again!?, ordinary stuff tag: drama, random bullshit i spout, ordinary stuff tag: art, what is this i don't even -, i'm scandinavian everything is free

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