Clubbing at Webster Hall

Apr 08, 2012 17:20


*cricket* *cricket*

You would think I would still be asleep after last night's adventures, but in reality I woke up at 10am.

So last night was honestly a miracle. I expected a 3-person group hangout but everyone who said they were going to go, came. I'm so glad they did but next time I do any clubbing, the ratio of guys to girls in my group will be better. As in invite more guys to better repel the creeps.

I left work at 5pm, my friend Donna met me at Macy's so I could take her to my house and she'd change there. She bought THECUTESTEFFIN'DRESS from an online store (which she has yet to send me!! GAH!) and the most awesome shoes from a shoe store in the mall. We have extremely similar taste, but we dress differently. It's strange.

Anyway, we went to the train station (after picking up George and getting some food) at 7pm, Marley showed up at 7:30 and we caught the 7:47 to Penn Station. Michelle and Jacob(WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) met up with us at Penn. I was so gasogihsnkjgnj happy that they showed up. (;w;) ♥

We walked to the subway, took a train to whatever-ave/st/blaah and walked to Webster Hall. It wasn't a long walk and I was wear my flats so I have nothing to whine about.

We waited outside, around the corner from Webster Hall because we didn't want to walk in too early. :B HURP WE DA LOSERS DAT SHOW UP EARLY TO ZE PARTAAAAYS. Donna and I went to this amazing convenience store literally down the street from Webster Hall with amazingly price everything. So when we came back, we waited online, paid our VIP $5 ticket, checked out bags/coats and went to the floor where they played hip-hop/rap/whateverelseisvaguelynearthosegenres. We spent most of our time up there, regrettably.

Not that the music was terrible (although there were some songs I could do without), but that was where all the creepy old guys were. As time passed, they all lined up at the outside ring of the dance floor and STARED at every girl who was dancing. Some extreme creepers (the would-be rapists) came up to my group and tried to dance with us. Most of them we were able to fight off, but having only 2 guys wasn't enough for 4 girls.


There was decent-looking guys, but meh.

I just distinctly remember one old guy (no younger than 40) who wanted to dance with me and I was like "uh, no thanks!" but he was persistent. He kept grabbing my arm or waist, stood behind me and tried to dance with me. Good fucking gawd, I was ready to punch him in the face! Then when I snubbed him to hell and back, he tried to go after Donna but I pulled her away and he looked upset.

There were other weird guys but not all of them were old. Some were younger guys who clearly wanted to have some girl's ass on the dick -- to be blunt. One group of guys just ambushed me and danced with me and took pictures of me and kept trying to dance with me but I slipped through and went back to dancing with my little group of friends. So my face is most likely floating around FB, Twitter, Instagram or whatever with some weird-looking guys (like 3 or 4 of them) trying to dance with me.

Which gets me thinking that you can tell not many guys have moves. A lot of them just held my hips and did one movement with their lower body.

Very creative, guys.

Well, eventually we had enough of sweating like hogs and went to the bathroom to cool down. We lost Marley and Michelle in the sea of sweaty clubbers, gave up looking or them and went to the electro/dubstep/etc room. Whoops, this was my favorite room. We probably did an hour in that room. Kudos to the DJ! We did a lot of wandering around, went to a room with a stage and strobe lights and meh. It wasn't that great. Whatever that room's called, it was my least favorite. Not a lot of people were in there. There were people doing jumpstyle to music that didn't fit AT. ALL. The only amusement was the women dancing on stage. I want that kind of body! I have it in a video, no pictures. D:

We left Webster Hall at about...2:30am? We couldn't stand it anymore. And I looked like a sweaty butt. Everyone else's hair was still perfect except for mine! /jealous We went back to the convenience store, picked up stuff, interacted with a weird guy who was on some drugs, saying "Don't worry about it!" to us.

We walked to the subway, Jacob and Michelle parted ways with us, went on the subway, went to the McDonald's at Herald Square, walked to Penn Station and sat their until 4:43am. :| We had to wait WAAAY over an hour for the train. D: It was terrible because I was absolutely GONE at this point. So. flippin'. tired.

Women were stumbling in their high heels (I guess they weren't smart enough to bring flats or sneakers), one girl collapsed while she walking across the lobby, some girl yelled at a random guy to pick up her purse and didn't even thank him, random guys were drunk or passed out, and plenty of loud-mouths screaming "I WANT TO GO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!"

LIRR has plenty of amusing people at all hours of the day.

When the train came, we encountered more obnoxious people. No matter what car we went in, there they were. We gave up and stayed in one temporarily quiet car. Some frat dude was drunk, loud and probably doing coke. He was bothering his friends while they were passed out on the seats.

So we got home at 6am and I went right to sleep. I'm exhausted right now but I'm afraid if I go to sleep now, I'll be up all night. :|

That and I still have hw to do and a Chemistry midterm to study for. :/

friends, clubbing, hai gaiz

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