A Massive Picture Dump

Jan 20, 2012 17:55

Haaaai gaaaaiz. How is everyone doing~?

College starts back up for me on Monday. My schedule isn't terrible, which I am eternally grateful for. I have two classes a day, except for Wednesday which is just one class. I don't have class Friday ~ Sunday either. My manager gave me a bit of guff because I told her I can't work Monday nights anymore because I have a night class. She told me, "That could be a problem." What? It's not MY problem, I know that for sure! I've been there for nearly a year so I can't just be up and fired, so I don't have to worry about that. She also told me it eventually won't matter because we're going to have to start picking up our own schedules.

What the fuck?

So what the fuck is the shift manager going to do? Don't they lose their job then? And what about the older employees? How are they going to access the "new schedule maker" if they don't have a computer? A lot of the older people I work with hate computers and don't use or have one. I find it extremely inconsiderate because now that's ANOTHER thing for me to do -- when it comes to my job. What's next? We have to sew the clothes we have to sell? Do we have to print the money for our paychecks?

Maybe I'm overreacting but they've just been getting away with a lot of bullshit and it just really gets me upset.

In other news (to get away from ranting about the same ol' same ol'), I bought a pink wig~! I was really iffy about wearing it, but when I put it on...ohmygod. ♥

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And these are the pictures~

I'm in loooooooooooove. (*A*) I just love pink gmnakgnakjasngkjasn

And that's just a shoddy gif. It's the first gif I've ever made. (@_@)

My friend and I went to Ghengis Khan in Smith Town. It's a Korean food place and ohmygoditwassodelicious! I want to go there againnn. ♥

I got it in the mail yesterday! :D It came with the cutest giftssssss. JNFAKJSFNGAKNK RILAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

And these are from today.

It's something I've grown accustomed to now. (*A*) I wish my hair was this shade of pink.

shopping, spamspamspam

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