Jan 07, 2010 17:29
So a few things:
1. I hurt everywhere!
2. I am a total nerd and loving it.
3. I am a little obsessed with watching videos of David Tennant and John Barrowman.
4. My dreams have rocked recently
and finally 5. My imagination has been going crazy!
Since I am a linear person I shall go in the order I have presented previously.
I have FitTV as part of my cable package and I love it. I have rented Jillian Michael's Cardio burn for the last couple days and it has kicked my ass. It's a 60 minute video, but I can only make it about half way through. I'll get there! Just not at the moment! I get to about the halfway mark and I'm breathing so hard my chest aches, and I get a little light headed. So I stop. My muscles burn, my skin sweats, and my heart is beating out of my chest. It feels great but at the same time it hurts tremendously. As the old saying goes; No pain, no gain! Rather in this case no pain, no loss. I never knew my hamstring could hurt so much!
I rediscovered my love of BBC! Not that I ever really lost love for BBC and their programming, but it has taken a back seat to the more readily available US programming. BBC America does try, but I'm sure they still don't do half as much as they should to bring more BBC to America!! By BBC I don't just mean the British Broadcasting Corporation. I mean the entirety of British television. Being turned on to I.T. Crowd a few years ago and how hard it was to follow over here made me appreciate all the British TV I could find! Such as Torchwood, Doctor Who, Cash in the Attic, Top Gear, Are You Being Served (the old ones), Graham Norton Show (LOVE IT!) and many others. It all took a backseat until recently with the ending of the tenth Doctor Who. BBC America had a 48 hour marathon of Doctor Who episodes leading up to the last episode with David Tennant as Doctor Who called "The End of Time". I watched about 20 hours worth of the marathon and I wanted more! I watched his last show and I will admit, I cried. I cried before he was even gone! I cried when he was talking to Wilf in the cafe! I cried hard for this character I barely knew! When The Doctor said "I don't want to go" at the end it made me cry because I didn't want him to go either!! Which segways beautifully into the next bullet point above!
Since the end of the show I've been desperately watching every video I can of Doctor Who and David Tennant. I do this because the actor genuinely interests me, which does not happen often enough. Come to find out, that man who is David Tennant is as brilliant as The Doctor himself! Brilliant in the British sense. He's funny, he's generous, and at the same time as vague and shut as The Doctor. He does have quite a quick tongue as well! There are some hilarious interviews with him. In searching for these videos I've also come across many John Barrowman videos. He played Captain Jack Harkness on Torchwood and Doctor Who. He is extremely attractive. But, alas, as is my luck with most attractive individuals, he is gay. :( Yet a girl can dream. Anyway, he is a very engaging and humorous person as well! Also, he has a beautiful voice. I'll have to rewatch the Producers and De-Lovely to see him! As always with this kind of interest, I wish I was able to be in the places these people work. To be in London to go to a West End show. To be able to see them in person while they present their craft would be phenomenal. Actors are artists that I can understand and yet not understand at all! So when my interest is piqued I watch as much as I can to understand more. Call it being obsessive, but I don't believe I am. That being said I was up until 6am watching YouTube videos of David and John the other night. On a related note perhaps the reason I'm so interested is because their life seems so much more than mine. More everything, more fun, more busy, more interesting. I did this with Lord of the Rings as well.
Due to all the videos I've inundated myself with these past few days my dreams have been downright awesome. It fluctuates between scary and exciting usually at the same time! Last night I was searching for something whilst being sought for something. I can't quite get the details clear enough to write about but it was very near a nightmare yet it was kept light and fun. They have all been like this lately. Oh! A new event to take place inside my dreams is full sex! It has never happened until just recently. In the past dreams have always gotten to maybe a kiss, or some light touching, but never this. As usual my dreams are ludicrously vivid. There have been scenes that even now I blush at the thought. They have been so real. Perhaps I'll write some down in detail when I have another dream.
And lastly, indeed my imagination has been going crazy. I've been daydreaming as much as anything else! The scenarios that have been running through my head and the art that i have been making has been wildly fun and amusing, but at the same time depressing. I haven't been in the best place emotionally and there is absolutely no real reason for it. I refuse to give into it! Yet I find myself in it at times I don't expect. I crave so much lately that I haven't thought of in years. For example, getting back into a band to play my baritone. Or seeing if I can't join a club at the school. Anything really to get out of the house and meet more people!
That is all for now
Doing this makes me feel better because it makes me feel that there are worthy thoughts in this big noggin of a brain of putting down on screen. Also, it makes me feel more interesting than I give myself credit for.