Well, I discovered the other day that I have access to Windows 7 via the MSDNAA program here at USU. I wasn't expecting to be able to get it so soon. So I'm looking at upgrading probably over the 3 day weekend (labor day) so that I can have time to fix things if I mess anything up.
As a result, I've been going through all the myriad stuff I've collected on this computer over the course of the last 3 years, and let me tell you, it's a lot. It's probably good that I'm going to wipe it-- get rid of some of the random quirks it's picked up over time.
Right now I'm working on trying to locate some of my installation discs for a few of the programs that I have and use, but not extremely often. The type of thing I don't really think about being on the computer until I want to use it, then won't know what to do if it isn't there when I need it. :) So I've been compiling a list of all my files and things that need to be backed up. So far my backup files (not including programs) is about 16.5 GB of space. Good thing I bought that TB drive a little while back-- it'll be holding all this stuff during the wipe.
Anyway, here's hoping I don't forget anything massively important.