I was just watching the news and thought it was pretty funny when their 20 second update on the stock market came around. "Look! The DOW is up! It's at 8700 or 8800 something!" And I thought, "Yesterday it was at 8900-something... How is this up? Did it spontaneously fall 400 points over night, as it's been doing recently?" My general opinion of what's been going on with the stock market recently is "Meh. Not interesting anymore." It's been doing the same up and down for like 2.5 months, it's the new norm-- I'll be surprised when it goes up 2000 points, or maybe sort-of disappointed when it goes down 2000 points. Other than that it's not like I'm going to pull my money out now and lose 1/3-1/2 of what I originally put in there. So, my money's just sitting, waiting-- like usual.
I've been having a difficult time thinking of what to request for Christmas. I've been updating my
wishlist, which you can always find linked on the left menu of my journal, in the Links section under the calendar. There's been some newer stuff added to the top section (some of which are kind of pricey, so don't worry-- I'm not really expecting anyone to get those for me. I'll probably buy them myself when I've got a bit more money).
Other than that, it's nice to be on finals week and almost done. Aside from the nearly-heart-stopping stress from thinking I'm going to fail one of my classes, but you know, that's how it always is. Two finals down, one to go-- speaking of which, I probably ought to get studying for that.