Class and stuff this week

Jan 26, 2007 14:15

Internet's been down in the apartment for a week now. They're supposed to be there to fix it by the end of the day, but I'm highly doubting that this is going to happen. Not pleased about that. I'm just hoping that it'll actually get fixed so I don't have to call them and yell at them and tell them they're incompetent. Because, if I get home and it isn't fixed by the end of the night, they're going to have a very angry me on the other end of the phone line. It's so incredibly annoying to have to do that. I wish they would just do their jobs instead of needing somebody to constantly call and babysit them. If you ever get internet with anyone, don't get MStar. They're incapable of repairing their equipment when it fails-- takes at a minimum two weeks, regardless of the simplicity of the problem.

I started reading one of my new books last night. I was happy to be able to do some light reading for fun for a change. It's been so long since I've been able to read a good novel. Man, I used to read 2 or 3 a week, and now I haven't hardly read any in the last year and a half. Maybe 3 in that time span. I kept telling myself that I needed to go to bed, so finally at about 2:15 I managed to get myself to stop because I was so tired I was falling asleep reading the page, even though I found it interesting.

At any rate, I totally fell asleep in my 320 (hardware design) class. I was mostly listening until about halfway through it until I guess I just fell stone-asleep and I was woken up by people moving around after the bell had rung. So, I groggily stumbled to my feet (it really was pretty much stumbling since half my left leg had fallen asleep as well as part of my right arm) and out of the classroom. Yeah... I'm not staying up too late... I promise...

Now I'm just trying to get a couple of things done for my last couple homework assignments for the weekend. Then my cousins are coming up to go skiing tomorrow, and it'll be off to do that. I'm looking forward to it.

life in general, books, internet, network

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