Updatage on my lifage

Jul 27, 2006 00:15

So, yeah. I likes the '-age' suffix. Did I spell that right? *looks at it hard* I can't tell. Too tired right now.

Anyway been plugging away on my website a little bit here and there. Unfortunately the ftp is still down, and the ISP seems to be dragging its feet again on getting it fixed. They have until tomorrow evening before they get an angry phone call informing them in no uncertain terms that I am losing money and am very displeased about it.

But, unpleasantness for later. Today has been a pretty good day-- aside from sleeping through my alarm and getting in to work just after 10:00 this morning. *grimace* Oh well, I didn't take a lunch break (brought a sack lunch! Ta da!) so it ended up hurting a lot less than it would have. Work goes well as a bonus-- they're wanting to make me the new database administrator for the ECT Admin project (the one I'm working on) because the guy who's the current database admin is leaving to work on his PhD. *crosses fingers in hopes that a raise comes with the new position*

Let's see... in other news, just about got the writing section finished. Well, matter of fact, it is essentially finished. I'm just working on the part that lets people add/view comments to the stories. There are a few things here and there that I'm adding to make the usage more comfortable to the users. So far, only got one besides myself. He's actually given me a lot of good ideas. One of the first ones is a "change password" form that I got set up today, in case you forget your password and I have to reset it for you, you're not stuck with the reset one-- you can go in and change it yourself right after. Anyway, go check it out (www.neromir.net), you can sign up if you want (link's in the upper right corner) and post/edit stories à vontade (as you please). Won't be able to add comments to them for a day or two here-- until I get that little system up and working, but everything else should be working fine. Next thing to go up after that is a little user list for members to be able to see, and a user profile thing. And a 'remember me' feature. Gotta remember that one...

And, the laptop. My dad and I took it in to Best Buy after we had more issues with it. We tried to repair the Windows installation, had problems, tried to wipe it, had problems re-partitioning the hard drive, then finally set it up as one partition, and got a Blue Screen of Death while trying to install Windows. Yeah. We decided to stop trying at that point and took it in. I decided it would be better if my dad came with me because he bought the laptop, it's in his name, and quite frankly, if it's not in my name there's not a lot of threatening I can do if they decide they don't want to be cooperative. The guy there wanted to run another one of his diagnostics to make sure the hard drive really was bad. We told him basically this: "Well, you can run your diagnostic, but the Best Buy in Orem told us Windows had to be reinstalled. We did that and got these errors [describe situation for second time to him]. So, if your diagnostic says there's nothing wrong with the hard drive, we're not going to take that. So, run it as you please, but it better come back saying the hard drive failed." He replied with something like "Well, we don't know that you guys are doing it right and [blah blah blah]". Us: "Well, just make sure the diagnostic says the hard drive is bad. Or else." (well, the last part wasn't exactly like that, but it was the gist of it).

So, yeah. My lifage in a minute.

life in general, computer, website

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