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I will be over there in a bit. Prompting up a storm. Except not, because I suck at that.
I'm going to try to catch up on my comment backlog over the next couple of days, so if you suddenly get weeks-late comments, that is why. It's like tidying up without the exertion, or something. Of course, it's going to take me forever, seeing as how I just spent an hour and a half replying to the comments on one entry. It was the giant Chuck Bass post of enormousness though, so clearly it needed a lot more words.
I don't make New Year's Resolutions because I don't. I think they're stupid and if you want to make a change in your life you should just make a change in your life, and it shouldn't matter when you start. THAT SAID. I decided on December 31st, when I realised how few actual books I had read for the first time last year (as opposed to re-reads and audiobooks), that I'm going to try to read more books and less fic. And, in the spirit of not waiting for January 1st, I started reading a book called "Kid Me Not" which, so far as I've read, seems really good.
I'm also going to try to write more fic, because I'd forgotten how fun it is. Even if the last beta e-mail I got did start with a stream of block-cap obscenities.