December 13
redbrunja: ships and your thoughts on Parks and Rec!
Oh man, I am so far behind with this show. I don't think I've seen it since the last time you asked me something about it, and I was behind then. I still haven't even seen the election. It's not because I don't still love it, I think it just stopped being a priority to get it downloaded, and then I thought "meh, I'll get it on DVD" but it's probably never going to appear on Region 2, so... yeah. I suck, basically.
This is another show where I don't really ship. I didn't ship at all until Ben appeared, but he and Leslie are so freaking adorkable together that I can't even. I mean, really. I love that they're complete nerds about totally different things, but have these shared core beliefs that make them work beautifully even though they don't have that much in common.
And Ron is totally Leslie's work-husband. Shipping them romantically, though? Nope. A big, giant, no thank you.
Ron and Tammy? Hilarously terribad and wonderfully scary to watch.
I kind of anti-ship April/Andy and Ann/Tom (while having no idea if those ships still exist) because both those women are excellent and the guys are... not. I meant, the guys entertain me as characters, but they're basically not worthy of those women. Apparently I'm a bit judgy about those two.