Apr 14, 2008 21:47
Just a quick update to say, that uh, I'll update properly tomorrow.... yeah pointless post there, Daea.
I got back later than normal (only a couple hours ago) because I was attending the DIF meeting, which I go to every month. A lot of you probably don't know what I do or what DIF is. DIF is a Disability Forum that I belong to. We were discussing today the new Hospital and the reception / information area, which is going to be really problematic for partially sighted and blind patients. Then we got talking about the Infection Control situation (which is part of my job) and we have a huge inquest on Thursday. THEN, we started talking about the children's ward and the L/D situations that keep arising. Some people need to be educated, others shot. On top of that, I haven't even completed the C-Diff death database and we had outbreaks on two wards and I nearly got locked in the morgue again WHICH I HATE BECAUSE THE LIGHTS WERE OFF.
I'm in such a foul mood. Had a pretty horrific argument with my mother. Not in the best of moods. I'm going for a shower then bed.
Gooooood night.