Feb 10, 2009 15:32
I'm back on my regular Tuesdays now and life is good. I have a lot of things to talk about today, so I'm going to try to get through them quickly so this isn't super long.
1. The weather. It is currently 60 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny here and it is GLORIOUS. I am not a big fan of winter, so this is just the break I needed. On the way home from school I drove with the windows down while blasting Hawk Nelson's "California" and it was just amazing. I didn't even mind having to stop for an oil change because it's so nice out! The downside is that my allergies are starting to bother me again, but I really don't care so long as it stays warm.
2. This goes with what I was talking about last week, with people being fans of YouTube. Well, last week I was mostly talking about me, but this week I'm talking about others. I completely support being a fan of YouTubers, but sometimes I wonder if we turn it too much into a fandom or get too crazy about these videos. On nerdfighterlike Alex & Becky broke up and the fandom wasn't too happy about it. When it first happened they received loads of comments saying they were doing the wrong thing and should stay together. Okay...the project is not ending, and this is not your decision people. If this is where their relationship leads, that's what you need to let them do. And then today Alex & Becky both made videos talking about how strange the breakup is, and they received more comments on how they did the wrong thing. The really bad part about this is that on Becky's video at least, there were a lot of people suggesting that Alex left her for Kristina (of the 5AG). And yeah, I suspected this too, but that doesn't mean it's my place to make judgements about it....or leave really rude comments on Becky's video about it.
It may not feel like it sometimes, because it has been turned into a fandom, but the people you are watching? They're actually people. Perhaps you should keep that in mind.
(That was just really bothering me earlier)
I feel the same way about vlogbrothers, Sister Salad, 5AGirls/Guys, etc. Sometimes I think fans are taking fandom too far and are getting too crazy about it. I'll leave the rest of that for some other week or my blog maybe, I've said a lot already and I have other things to talk about!
3. Talk about your town week!
I'm going to quickly touch on three places:
Rockford, IL - This is the town where I was born & where I lived for a long time when I was little. It's still like my home away from home as a lot of my family still lives there. Wikipedia says Rockford is called "The Forest City" but I have never heard this before. It is the 3rd largest city in IL, behind Chicago and Aurora (this is where my dad lives). This isn't on the Wikipage, but a point of interest in Rockford for me, is the Sinnisippi Gardens, created by Cyrus Hall McCormick (the Reaper King) who is like my great-great-uncle or somesuch.
Homer Glen - This is where I live now. Something interesting about my town is that it was incorporated on April 17th, 2001, which is not that long ago. For the longest time we were an unincorporated township, but the county became the fastest growing in the US (still is) and we jumped on the bandwagon and got ourselves official. Odd fact is that April 17th is the day my dad is getting married this Spring, so that'll coincide with the town's 8th anniversary. Another weird thing about the town is our slogan "Community & Nature...In Harmony" and yes, the "..." is part of it. So weird.
Chicago - In Illinois there are 2 places to live: Chicagoland & Everywhere else. I live in Chicagoland, so I have some close ties to the Big City. 3rd largest city in the United States. Home to US President Barack Obama. Home to McCormick Place (I thought I'd mention that since I mentioned him already), which I will talk about next week because on Tuesday I'm going to the autoshow there! I'm so excited!!
I'm just going to stop there because this is getting long.
Comment questions:
1. How is the weather where you are?
2. What do you think about the nerdfighterlike breakup/reaction? Or if you haven't been watching, have you seen something like this happen with any other fandoms?
3. Are you related to anyone famous?