Tuesday Next and the New Layout

Jan 27, 2009 13:53

First off, as some of you have discovered already, I launched the new layout on nerdsomewriters (Come see it if you're on your flist!!). I had wanted to wait to reveal it today...but I had coding and such to do so I thought it was better to do it last night. About 10 minutes later Toni found it--that was so fast! Let me know what you all think of it :)
Secondly, I might rush through this a little because it could easily get really, really long (I love my books!) and because I might have to go to the doctor later on. I've been having a bit of an irregular heart beat and headaches, dizziness, etc. I think it's just my low blood pressure, and should wait to see how it goes today, but my stepmom (who is a cardiac nurse) says I should go get checked out. I'm going to call her first though, right after I finish this.

I thought I'd spend my time this week talking about Thursday Next, or rather, her daughter, Tuesday Next. And also Grim Tuesday. So it's a book talk Tuesday! (Actually...that would be something cool to keep around)

Let's start out with Thursday Next, because it's a fabulous book series by Jasper Fforde. Set in an alternate reality 1985* Thursday is a member of SpecOps 27: Literary Detectives. In Thursday's world, plagiarism is a serious crime and it is Thursday's job to tell what's real and what's not and to go after the perps. Things get a little stranger though as her uncle invents The Prose Portal. This is a machine that can take you literally inside a book. And yeah, that's pretty sweet...until villain Archeron Hades gets ahold of it and goes inside Jane Eyre. He causes havoc, changes the book, and it's Thursday's job to fix this. And that's just in the first book, The Eyre Affair. I highly recommend this book, especially to literary nerdfighters.

Now, I bring this up because in Thursday's family, a lot of people are named after days. There's Thursday of course, and her mother, Sunday--whom everyone calls Wednesday. And she has 2 children: Friday and Tuesday. And I happen to think that Tuesday Next is one of the most awesome little girls in literature. She is super smart and I love her. So I'm glad to be a Tuesday as well.
Toni, you should be proud to be Thursday, because she kicks ass.
And Hilary, there are times to be proud of Friday, and times to yell at him to get off his butt. But ultimately he's the savior of the ChronoGuard (or at least prophesied to be)
Wednesday/Sunday is mysterious, but awesome.
Unfortuantely for Lia there is no Monday, but there is one really awesome daddy Next who slips through time at his leisure and generally makes the world great. So, if you were to pick someone else from the series, I would pick him. ...or Bowden, Thursday's dorky assistant.

*Why are all AUs set in 1985 anyway?

There's also the Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix, which are equally good, if not better. In this book the Architect created the House (the centre of the universe) and the other realms or secondary worlds. Ours is one of those worlds and the main character, Arthur, is from our world. The Architect left long ago and placed her power in the hands of 7 Trustees: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But in the time that she was gone, the Trustees showed themselves not to be so trustworthy after all. They each rule over one part of the House now, but they also each represent one of the seven deadly sins. Arthur was supposed to die, on a Monday (that's Mister Monday's day of power in the secondary realms), and Mister Monday needed to find a Rightful Heir. So he chose Arthur, counting on the fact that Arthur was to die...but given the Key that Mister Monday had...Arthur survived. This all happens in the first three chapters or so. Now it's Arthur's job to take his place as Rightful Heir of the Architect and piece the Will back together and get the Trustees out of power.
So far, this is what I have gathered about the Trustees:
Mister Monday - Sloth; rules the Lower House
Grim Tuesday - Greed; The Far Reaches
Drowned Wednesday - Gluttony; The Border Sea
Sir Thursday - Wrath; The Great Maze
Lady Friday - Lust; The Middle House
Superior Saturday - Envy; The Upper House
Lord Sunday - Pride; The Incomparable Gardens

This is another Tuesday that I've come to love. He may be a villain, but sometimes, I don't think he means to be evil per se, but more, he just wants to be the best at what he does and have all the stuff. Plus, I think that he would be really, really hot.
Saturday's my second favorite, because she's just so dang evil and I love that about her.

Comment Questions of the Day! (I feel like Michael Buckley)
1. What do you think of the new layout?
2. Have you ever read Thursday Next or The Keys to the Kingdom? If so, which did you like better & why?
3. Do you know of any other fandoms that have characters named after days? Or are there other things that you relate to certain days?

EDIT: Got into doctor's office after some calls and had some blood work & an EKG. The EKG came back okay and we're waiting on the blood work, but he says not to worry about it all too much, that it might be normal (heh. yeah. whatever.) I'm going to keep testing myself every now and again, just in case. But I'm not gonna die or anything :P

keys to the kingdom, thursday next, health, books, questions, jez, tuesday

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