(no subject)

Aug 19, 2008 22:06


Uh, the printed version will include... commentary? I finished mine, Nene. Was it allowed to have a doddle? *shot.* :D And a Have a Nice Day page. How exciting. (IT REALLY IS AUIDHAUIHDIUAH.)

What's way more exciting, however, is that Neneno is going to collaborate with me for another story. ♥ Y So Lucky, Me? auiehfiuah Neneno, you're my hero. ♥ Haha, I kind of think our Logo should be a bowl of happy noodles with flags sticking out of them. So, I'd ah... better go write something. ;;; Heh.

Aaah, I think I've been spoiled for the past few weekends. So many great moments with friends, a lot of cosplay dorkery as usual, and my favourite things; MT (lolol King Joey), Cupcakes, parks at night...

Now that work is winding down, I'm just kind of sitting her going 'maaaaa, so bored?'. On the upside, Hugh is coming to visit. Hugh, aka. best Friend From School In Scotland Hugh. Hugh as in 'Haha remember that time you got drunk and I thought it would be a good idea to take a walk, and we ended up stuck in a volcano, FOR SERIOUS, at 2am?' Hugh. euihfiah GETTING LOST IN ENGLAND DRESSED AS ALIENS, AFTER BEING KIDNAPPED BY CHARITY WORKERS HUGH. Ohman, I miss my dorky amazing Irish friend, this will be wonderful. *v*

Right now, though, I am a bit bored (I have free time for the first moment in what feels like a century; I don't know what to DO with it, it's a really confusing state of being), so please feel free to hit me up? I'm up for. Anything. Going out tonight (so long as you're in the tri-state area), catching up on old storylines that I've been miserable at replying to, just chatting for a bit-- I don't get to talk to anyone enough anymore, it feels like. And starting back at school in a couple of weeks? Won't help any, haha. I don't want to become inaccessible. I am trying my best at this. I want to stay a part of everything for as long as I can, because nothing is more fulfilling.

I made so many excellent new friends this summer, now I'm getting a visit from an excellent old one, and I get to go to school knowing that Vishal is going to actually be there, OHOH. //SAPPY @ YOU BECAUSE YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT. Yup, the world is just very at peace, right now. A little too at peace, needs more epic sword battles, if you ask me.

The free hours have given me some time to work on stuff, though, which is such a plus. :D However, I feel like if I have to put anymore time into this Hibari picture, I'm going to light my computer on fire. aiuhfiaehhgfa Jess, here is the preview you wanted?

Eventual picture for Mahou, who is a terrible person for making me instantly like this character. :'D Madness.

And Chels, ah, working on your fic, too. 8Db Random. Mid-story. Chunk. Coming at you~

Gokudera’s voice has inadvertently stealthed its way in from behind, storming the castle of Tsuna’s pubescent dilemmas with enough force to knock over the mute, horrified wall he’d built up around it. Tsuna feels like he might pass out.

His face is burning, and he’s on the edge of a panic attack.

Because Gokudera Hayato has just caught him asking his pillow to the eighth-grade dance.

Granted… it was Gokudera Hayato who had caught him, for once in lucky conjunction, as he was quite possibly the only one who could have caught Tsuna playing out dubious fantasies with his pillow, and on-the-spot, thought of a dozen well organized excuses for why that was perfectly acceptable behaviour. Topic Sentence: 'Clearly, suffering the fact that no living, breathing individual past or present comes close enough to meeting the Tenth’s standards of excellency in humanoid mating rituals, the superlative Vongola Boss is forced to resort to courting pillows. Paragraph Two will discuss how this is probably all Yamamoto Takeshi’s fault, and Paragraph Three will detail what I will do to anyone who questions the Tenth’s newfound pillow-orientation, and just how much glue you’ll need to fucking fix yourself, assholes…'

Tsuna has transcended dizziness, and just feels the ordinary thrum of nausea now.

Gokudera, who has been waiting patiently for a reply, finally cracks. “Tenth, excuse me for interrupting your-“

“NO. I wasn’t d-doing anything, Gokudera, really.”


The silence isn’t exactly awkward, only because Tsuna has come to accept that awkwardness is his normative state, his natural habitat, which only seems to spawn into a utopia of utter graceless unease when Gokudera is added to the equation. Civil unrest continues in the pit of his stomach.

He tries again.

“I really wasn’t doing anything.”

“Would you like to do something, Tenth?” Gokudera wonders at him, bullet-quick. After all, he needs to know these things. -After all, he’s the right-hand-man.

“I, ah-“

“-We could not do something, too.” Gokudera interjects again, turning ‘I’ into ‘We’ with the spotless ease of the naturally intrusive.

ER, PS: I ATE FISH WITH THE MORAL SUPPORT (AND BY THAT, I MEAN RAUCOUS LAUGHTER AND /LIVE FILMING/) OF 'SO-HELPFUL FRIENDS' THIS WEEKEND. And then might have thrown up the next morning, hahaha, o-orz. Okay, not trying that again any time soon. I'm actually proud of myself, however. /o/ Taaaaaaaaake thaaaaaaat, dead fish.

Last edit, I promise. I always try to do these, despite the fact that I rarely get an Anon reply, just in case someone needs to get something, anything off their chests.
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