Friend Wanking, Cosplay

Nov 27, 2007 22:34

I was going to talk about all sorts of relevant things, but then I remembered… I forgot them. Insert Facepalm: HERE.

So, bullet points, me dearest friends who will help me organize my scattered thoughts. =D

***First off, and most importantly as always, thank you. Those of you who know me well enough just to see the subtle differences in how I act when I’m truly upset/struggling, and have gone above and beyond the call of ‘nice’ to make me feel better…. You all are pretty pimp. &hearts Cookies for my whole FLIST for being entirely fantastic homo sapiens. ^^ (Especially you, Madi. You show -particular- sensitivity with “OMG LIKE ARE YOU FEELING BETTER? …BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE SEX LATER.” Lol, bff.)

***Second most importantly, HOLIDAY CARD POSTS, YES? I’ve been a bit MIA as of late, and I know I’ve missed a few. I’ll have my own up soon, but until then-links to ones I’ve missed, please? I’m afraid that I lost track, and I don’t want to lose the opportunity. I put all of my Hol-cards up on my college-dorm-door, and they always are a big pile of win and smile for me. &hearts

***Thanksgiving: Everyone will always complain your right ear off that Valentine’s is a consumer holiday. But nothing says ‘CONSUMPTION’ like the Black Plague! Oh man, only really big nerdy history dorks will get a laugh out of that… like mass amounts of food. Much family-time was had, and I spent the evening being pounced on by wee cousins and chubby puppy dogs alike. Aka. WIN.

I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday. In short, mine was…

And my father and I are serious dorkfaces. &hearts Also: I look like I’m about FOURTY. Hi there, old age. =D

***And then, at some point, we cosplayed Katekyo Hitman REBORN. Wait, what?

Yamamoto Takeshi: __kaze__
Gokudera Hayato: genkitozuku
Photos By: reesesaresexy

Stealing from my DA account;

“While the costumes might not seem very in-depth, the characters are both rich and interesting, and made wearing this a blast for me. Also: this involved way more sewing on my part then I would have suspected. Woah there, buddy.

I still need to make Gokudera's dynamitez. This was more of a spur of the moment 'let's Kfufufu for the opening of the film Hitman' cosplay. Better photos and fuller group to come later~”

Serious props to Vishal for -cutting his hair- to do this with me, even if it was only for unfinished version/lulz.

Lol, oh god, I fail at smoking. Some of the first words out of Ari’s mouth: ‘You look silly. XD It’s clear you have NO IDEA what to do with the cigarette.’ I CERTAINLY learned how to choke on the ash, though. Ohgodfail.

Hitmaaaan poster. Cause we’re playing MAFIA.

Dorky mafia. ._.

Next Time: I am wearing my tall people shoes. aufheaohgfoasehfs. Horrible lighting was horrible.

Gokudera makeup/wig/eye test I did initially. I was -really- pleased with the new method I devised, make-up wise for this. It covered up my freckles, it made me look really pale, and while it wasn’t very -natural- looking and took two days to get completely off, the results were worth how abnormally SHINY it made me. (PLEASE TO BE IGNORING THE LACK OF ATTRACTIVENESS, KTHX.)

Also, that wig was a pleasure to style. Still needs a bit more octopus-spike to be perfected, though. ~_^ Random Pizza shop girl was random, and thought it was my real hair. = Win. Getting eyebrows to also be silver is an accomplishment so astounding that I'm pretty sure it's going to be carved into my gravestone one day as my crowning achievement.

BEJEZUS, it was so cold out during this that my hands turned purple. STOP THAT, NEW YORK. 76 degress on Gobble Day, and then Sub-Zero on Hitman day? Cruel, cruel fate.

Cosplay Note: Also, randomly, Serenity/Firefly cosplay group for Conneticon just combusted itself into existance. We still need folks. So far, it’s hatefulsarang, heerojf, myself, and __kaze__ will be forced into it. Join us, Y/Y? =D (Cast list when I figure out who is who…?)

***And, because I promised… if you for some reason want to read my totally ridiculous essay on why the Blue Power Ranger is better than the Green Power Ranger (lol, here at college we have lame iron chef/essay duels - I kid thee not, Addy vs. Greg in a battle for the honour of their respective childhood favourite hero), then comment, and ye shall receive. Oh man. //End Power Rangers. I hope.

***On that note, I’m overwhelmed by the sudden presence of… friends on campus. o_o; I still haven’t been here long, but it’s a warm, fuzzy feeling to suddenly have so many people to do trivial things with, to have all of my time filled up by company and laughter, while still having not had to let go of what’s always made me smile-friends since forever ago, and from all the way across the ocean. Lucky Addy is a Lucky Girl, but that’s not going to stop her from missing certain people.

I’m keeping my Sunday free. I said I would, right?

***And other stuff. That I’ve forgotten. I think it involved turkey and porn. And ice hockey? OH, EARLY ALZHEIMER’S, HOW YOU HAUNT ME.

For Ari. &hearts

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