Hey guys.
I’ve been neglecting this poor journal again. I know I have a lump ton to update on, so, here’s the bullet pointed version, to be fleshed out and PICTURE-IZED later, via LiveJournal Magical Girl Transformation.
Epic New York City-time last weekend with
hatefulsarang that involved being stylish mall vigilantes, China-Town slumming, PURIKURA (
bitches don’t know about my pokemonz), and some retartedly expensive ice cream at Pink Berries, where frozen yogurt is such serious business that you have to flash ID and have a retinal scan to get some Green Tea that tastes of cold bananas. My wallet may forgive you, but my taste buds never will.
Later it was Resident Evil: Extinction with Vishal, which was worth it just for the Fufu Berry and the army of Slinky Red Dress Clones ©. I could have done without the tentacle face molestation, however, and I bet so could the Make Up staff.
__kaze__ also came up from New York for Sunday, and it was funtimes yet again. Also: His car is physic. When we were terribly lost on our way to go explore a Sketchy Abandoned Factory, the radio busts out with “Where are we going... going.... going?” Furthermore, when your driver says, “That’s pretty amazing” and the Radio concedes, “AMAZING”, it’s time to check if you’re sleuthing in a Transformer~
Back to NEW YORK this weekend (excitement evident), because Boss-chan Lance asked if I wouldn’t mind coming down to work. Kidlets from camp apparently asked if I would come to their birthday party, which is adorable in the slightly unsettling way that makes me feel like a mall attraction. *v* BUT, we’re going to be teaching them “I Don’t Dance” (lyrics, choreography) from High School Musical 2. Yes, I went there. I agreed that was fine, so long as I could sing the part for Corbin Bleu and not Lucas Gabriel. My homo levels are not that high yet; I need to work on that for upcoming cosplay…
*Leeron from Gurren Lageen.* Do Want. Is anyone else interested in a group? (I FOUND A JO-ANN’S FABRIC HERE. Not paying limbs for cosplay = Rekindled spirit.)
Nurr, nurr-I was thinking for Expo, but I’ve heard now from both
kasaiface and
nerdcore that Fanime is vastly superior? DO TELL, my San Fran and L.A. girls and boys? (Also,
nerdcore, the wig came in. =D Fufu. Adorable. Thank you. &hearts)
Cosplay-wise, I can already feel it’s going to be the year of the body-suits/jumpsuits. And we’re going to rock them people, because this is how we roll. One episode of Gundam 00 led to massive nostalgic fan attachment. Hoho--
Kaze says:
Setsuna just brings back bad Heero memories imo
Addy says:
For serious, my impression too. 'Must accomplish ridiculously simple and straightforward mission, even if it means... sacrificing... my personality.... and being... a total unlikable dickwad...'
Kaze says:
"proceeding to be malleable and uncharacteristic in every aspect"
Addy says:
XD Hohoho. So true.
Kaze says:
hur hur, indeed XD
Kaze says:
you realize, we're opening pandora's box here, and eventually we'll have to locate two other fans to make things complete. For ULTRA GEEKY FANDOM INSIDE JOKES, LULZ
Addy says:
Oh, but of course. The depressing part is that this is bound to amble down the road of CHASPLAY. And that will mean spandex jump suits. ….You dug your own grave. I just followed you in.
Kaze says:
.....I’m waiting for the depressing part
Addy says:
Oho? Well of course, because you'll just look so pwnsome in ORANGE SPANDEX, Y/Y? XD
Kaze says:
well i think i'll have to go with: -yus- XD
Addy says:
Damnit, stop being such a saucy tart. XD
So, we are actively recruiting for a Lockon and a Setsuna. *v* My deliciously androgynous icon with fonic sight tempts you~
Speaking of fonic sight, to get back to old geekery, thank you so much to
guynophobia for the
NEW LAYOUT that I may figure out how to install sometime this century. Lucky-Star Jade is FTW love, and now I match
wildsaber &
glorious. Nurhur.
Moar Tales of Abyss; Arts.
http://sumeragistar.deviantart.com/art/ToA-Drecky-Dreckface-66452384 Link:
http://sumeragistar.deviantart.com/art/ToA-Dorky-Dorkface-66676565 WHAT IS THIS UGLY?
http://sumeragistar.deviantart.com/art/ToA-Necromancers-Wear-Blush-66848260 Also:
Lol. (Collab between Mari, Julie, and myself. Nonetheless, worst movie ever, uke'd only by Battlefield Earth.)
Last: I plan to change my journal name, as a spring clean-up type motif (in the fall, because I Don’t Conform *Eyeliner*). To make everything less confusing, I’d like my LiveJournal name to match my Cosplay.com/Lab accounts, ect.
NAME SUGGESTIONS? Mari gave me Technologic, which was ace, but taken. If all else fails, I’ll simply have to snatch up Fabulize. Because nothing is more attractive than a journal name dripping with glitter ego. HELP, HELP.
EDIT:// Suggestions so Far--
-Anything containing 'Fufu'
Moral of Story: All suggestions must now being with an F? XD Keep 'em coming. &hearts
PS: Welcome to new friends. (And old too, of course, ILU guys.) However, if you’re a NF who has added me without informing me of who you are first, please do so. I’ve been having a bit of trouble lately with Internet-Stalker types to the umpteenth degree of creepy, and while I don’t want to hold that against anyone, I’d like to know who you are to feel comfortable reading yours/letting you have at mine. Not Fort Knox here, just curious. Cosplay? Role-Play? Likened interest? =.x Inform me, please, as I’d feel rude removing you when we might be on perfectly amiable terms.