(no subject)

Apr 25, 2007 23:06

The other day a kid was tapping his foot incessently during class and shaking the whole floor, so I threw my pencil at him. He thought I dropped it from three seats away right next to him, and went to pick it up for me. I told him not to bother and that I threw it at him to make him stop shaking the floor. He gave me a weird look.

I'm done with school in a week. DONE DONE DONE! :) and then I get to work at the zoo and teach people about animals and play with kids. First I need to learn about the animals, but I know lots of factoids already. You know what that means...yes, you will probably be hearing about zoo animals ALL SUMMER LONG! BWAHAHAHA. Like such: ET, our male walrus is 11 feet long and 11 feet around at his widest and weighs approximately 3300 pounds. He broke the scale last time they went to weigh him, that's why its an approximate. And he eats 100 pounds of fish a day.

My sister FINALLY bought a car, so that means I FINALLY have a car at school. Starting Friday, YIPPEE. I get the car she had, not the one she just bought. Bummer though, cause its nice. Mazda 6. I'm done rambling.
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