mrimp and beeftenderloin threw a bear bash at their place downtown last weekend, which was a blast. Sucks that I had to leave early for a 4-hour waste of time at work, but I still had a great time.
At the pleading of my sister, I'm headed to Fort Irwin, CA tomorrow to stay and help her for a week while she recovers from delivering 12 lbs. of surrogate twins. Her housekeeper is going back home tomorrow and Mom left two days before the birth so, since my bro-in-law is stationed in Texas and can't come home, I'm going to play the good brother
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Spent yesterday afternoon with Mom at Wyandotte Hospital for a test that she had to have (which came back fine, fortunately). They asked her to come in as early as possible instead of the original 4pm, so I hustled down to Brownstown from work. We both wanted to get it over ASAP: her because it was going to be uncomfortable; me because I was tired
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Friday night we had our combined roadster_guy's birthday/graduation/summer drunkfest, and attracted about a dozen guests eager to help demolish the liquor supply, with great success. a2andy, alcadd, brendand, brokenbryan, jamie95, merksamer, mrimp, obmoloceoj, odysseyseven, thafuzz, and Andy's non-LJ friend Ben started arriving around 9:30pm and I finally stumbled to bed around 2:30am, having been up since 5:30am the previous morning. The
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