So, I recently was introduced to THE AVENGERS. I bought the Essential Avengers and started reading it, like, immediately. For realsies, I haven't finished it yet, but I have fictional crushes. More of them. Which I really didn't need. And then I found out that the main three which I love have live action movies! Okay, so I'd seen one of them and knew about the other. Hadn't known about the third who was playing the main role in the third. Soo, for that reason, I will gift you all with GLORIOUS PICSPAM. Yeah, you're so jealous.
And just so you know which ones I'm really diggin', I'll give you these.
Are you ready for the uber sexy pictures of their real life counterparts? That's pretty much my favorite part XD
Chris Evans as Captain America
Chris Hemsworth as Thor [His smile is sooo hnng]
Robert Downey Junior as Iron Man
I had lots of fun with this. Probably too much fun to be honest. I just needed a nice fangirl. And I had one!
After that last SRS BSNS post, I had to do something fun. So I did. YAY! Yeah, the pictures are great and I love them. Have a good day!