Apr 01, 2006 22:00
Life's happening so quickly... I graduate in 5 weeks, move in 7 or 8. And in 9 or 10 I start law school. I put a down payment on an apartment today. And found out that during the year that I am not allowed to work (per school rules) that my financial aid package is $4,000 short of tuition costs, let alone other fees, and basic living costs (food, transport, and rent)- ack!
Spent the day with my brother and a good friend- was a really nice time- great to be around people and not feel like I don't belong- Got to see another old friend and happened to see an ex and his current gf turning past me while I was at a stoplight- was weird.
Came home and feel as out of place and unwelcome as I have for awhile. It's weird. I wish I could put my finger on it, but I can't- and wish I knew how to talk about it with them, but again, can't figure out what to say... and I'm trying really hard to act normal with everyone, on the chance that I'm imagining the awkwardness, but I dunno... I think I feel lonelier now than I will when I'm in a place on my own :( Guess I need to try harder to act "normal" and try to figure out how to talk to people to figure out what's going on...