finally signed up to do obama calling, and made some obama calls. one guy was so enthusiastic he practically started chanting his name. adorable :)
then watched the last 2/3 of the debate. i thought mccain did really well, but in reading over the
commentary on the washington post and the results of polling independents, it seems like obama had very strong favorables. it's interesting how what works one election cycle just completely falls flat in a different one (and of course the reverse). to me they looked like heavyweight fighters, both standing their ground and slugging directly at one another.
the weaknesses i saw with mccain was his constant lying and misreprenting obama's stands. obama had to constantly set him straight (which made him seem more defensive to me). also, mccain was so unbelievably condescending, to the point of disrespect. i think that was a little over the top. it might have been effective if it were done with a little more subtlety, but he was pretty nasty about it, and included it in his closing remarks (that i could stay awake for, he did go on).
also, mccain called pakistan a "failed state". wtf? afghanistan=failed state (and ends in a "stan", so maybe he was confused?) somalia=failed state. but pakistan? huh? and oh god, i love love LOVED how obama was able to turn around the whole "no conditions" argument in regards to negotiations and smack mccain in the face with the fact that he said he wouldn't sit down and talk to SPAIN! ha ha ha ha ha. you know, spain? our NATO ally? oh, the rictus set in on old johnny's face with that one. because it was TRUE. because he thought Zapatero was a Zapatista!!!!! DOHT!
anyway, to get the nasty taste of politics out of my mouth, i cleansed with some sarah silverman, urging the young jews to
undertake the great schlep! you should watch it. it's much funnier than her tv show :)