art anarchist house

Aug 03, 2013 11:30

we had a beautiful poetry party outside last night.
blankets, bottles of wine, cheese, grapes,snacks, tiki torches.
the location is an art house, a beautiful old one in candler park.
the kitchen would be perfect for a kitchen sessions poetry thing. the fireplaces are old with original tile,there's a revolutionary resource office, an art studio & a meeting room perfect for yoga. the back deck and yard are huge and the screened in front porch cozy.
i only found out about this house a couple of months ago, which is a shame because now they're worried about losing the space to higher property taxes/rent. the landlord bought it to be saved from demolition into a mcmansion & offered a year of free rent in exchange for fixing it up.
so many things could happen there, like last night.
we generated a bunch of ideas. my team mate, is quitting her massage job because hse' struggling to commute an hour or more to it every day and she wants an in-between place to set up. perfect.
ken j. wants a community space for guitar lessons. perfect.

i am really freaking out about work stuff, mainly because i've coasted for so long without having to think about it.that's been bad in terms of not really going forward with my own skills and education, although i am being hard on myself---i show up to a lot of poetry, after all.last night had me thinking about portable skills, too.if i were to offer writing workshops, what would they look like? it would be great fun to put them together.what if i had a grief counseling something or other? i've really been interested in that area because so much of our rawness and what it means to live comes out in that process and so many unique and sharp reactions occur in that space.
i am trying to reframe the panic and anxiety of the last few days as part of an overall realization and struggle for change that i've already been pushing myself toward, with positive result.
molting hurts.
it hurts less in a house crawling with artists.
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