The blue & the sharpness in this photo is exaggerated, but this is a new favorite spot. Jemez,NM, hot springs.You can float on your belly here, arms stretched out & it feels maybe a little bit like flying through the ridge.I did this on Father's Day (Hi, Dad!),making me very much my father's daughter. The drive out was stunning, amazing & Adam said "one of the first things I learned about New Mexico is that it is anything but treeless," and with that, we went into the forest. Along the way were bright greens, red rock, dark greens & cathedral-like formations.
On the way back to Georgia, my layover went in the wrong direction, to Las Vegas, but it was fine.So much deceptively boring earth below, so much dryness and dirt, and then again, trees and weird, gummy red stitches, yellows, oranges and viola! The Grand Canyon!(or at least,an edge of it, then stretching out into what looked like forever.
Mixed feelings about the job face-to-face part. I thought I would feel more definitively about it after meeting my interviewers. I still have questions, but ones that are still not right until there's an offer. So we'll see. But I crossed that bridge, am crossing bridges. Now I wait another week, on UNM HR and think things over.My heart says "what's to think over?" remembering the landscape, my sweet friends,everything.Life changes aren't easy, though.How fortunate to feel like one has more than one home.
Looking forward to meditation later this afternoon.