It Looks Like Rain (Harry/Ginny)

May 29, 2004 05:29

Title: It Looks Like Rain
Author: Cantinera
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Summary: Harry's angry, but Ginny wants to help.
Setting: Sixth Year at Hogwarts
Disclaimer: These are not mine, but the great Ms. Rowling's. I'm just playing.
A/N: I saw Syn wanted Harry/Ginny fic in the rain, and it made me go with it. First try at this pairing. Short ficlet
For: verucawerewolf because she is my muse, even if I am a lazy ass.


She is screaming his name, but he doesn’t seem to care. Keep on walking away. If she pushes him any more, he might explode. They all keep pushing. He cannot take it.

“HARRY!” she yells again.

He keeps going, leaving her behind. He walks further and further away from her. Just block out the shrieks. Pick up the pace, walk faster.

“HARRY!” Her voice shakes this time, anger and frustration making her throat tremble. “Slow down.”

Harry just keeps on walking. Maybe he should run away from here. Maybe he should keep going until he is out of Hogwarts, out of this place. Maybe he should just run, from his life, from this world. Just run.

Run until he no longer has to deal with it.

Run until he no longer has to deal with being Harry Potter.

If only he could.

“Harry, stop.” Her voice is quieter now, still irritated, but the yelling no more. “Just stop.”

Her voice was trailing the last time, the wind starting to carry it away. It’s cold. Harry’s tired. It’s a command. Does he want to stop?

Keep walking. He wants to keep walking. Let the night take over, let the clouds move in. Just keep walking.

“Harry?” She is taking in deep breaths. He can hear it in the way she speaks.

She runs to catch up with him. He is too tired to run. He wants to. Earlier he did. Maybe he doesn’t really. Maybe he wants her to catch up with him. He doesn’t know anymore. All he knows is that he is confused and angry.

And she is not going to let him stay that way. He knows that. She never lets him. She likes to push.

But it’s not in the way Hermione does. Hermione likes to nag him, or dictate to him what is good for him. She tells him what’s what.

From experience, he knows Ginny would rather tell him off. She confronts him. She won’t stay calm, cool and collected. Temper meets temper here. She’s not going to lay the facts out for him - she is going to lay into him.

He knows it. Any second now.

He’s counting: 3… 2… 1…

“Why’d you take off like that?” Her voice is slightly calmer now, but he can still hear the hint of annoyance lurking. She inhales deeply before she exhales, letting out a sigh.

Harry doesn’t respond with words. He just stops.

“Harry?” she asks, stopping right behind him. She is facing his back.

He still gives her silence.


More silence.

“I didn’t come all this way to be ignored,” she says. She doesn’t like his silence, apparently.

“Well did you come out here for?” Harry says, giving her words this time. He wasn’t really the type for silent treatment anyway.

“What do you think?” She responds with a question. Prepare for another game of Temper Quidditch.

“I’m the seeker, you’re the chaser,” Harry mumbles.


“Nothing. Listen, if you came out here to lecture me-”

“No, Harry,” Ginny says, cutting him off, “if we wanted someone to come out here and lecture you, we would’ve sent Hermione.”

“Fine.” Harry is annoyed. “Can we just drop whatever you came out here for?”

“No. If we wanted to just come get you and have it dropped, we would’ve sent Ron.”

Harry spins around, his green eyes connecting with her brown ones. She glares at him, locking her gaze with his. Is she challenging him? Her lips tighten. She’s seething.

“What, Ginny?” His voice is rising. “What did you come out here for?”

She moves closer to him. It’s dark out, but the moon is shining down on them, allowing Harry to have a better look. She’s angry.

And it looks like she is almost as angry as him.

“You snap at people, Harry,” she starts, her voice just as calm as her eyes aren’t. “You think it’s okay to get angry with us, Harry, but it’s not. We aren’t your enemy.”


“I’m not finished,” she says, cutting him off again. “Just let me say what I need to say.”

Harry is silent. He doesn’t want to let her talk. He doesn’t want to hear this, but he thinks he has no other choice. Her brown eyes are fixed on him, determine to not let this go.

“I know it’s not easy for you. I know none of us know exactly what you are going through.” Her voice softens. “But Harry, you can’t keep doing this. You can’t shut us all out and take off. You can’t let your anger get the better of you.”

“Why not?” Harry yells. “You said it yourself! None of you know exactly what I am going through!”

“You’re right!” Ginny yells back. Anger starts stirring in her eyes again as the sky rumbles, as if it is telling her its got her back. “We don’t know what you are going through, but we are still here. Haven’t you learned anything over the past year?”

“Don’t you dare bring him into this!” Harry is furious. He walks away from her. “Don’t even.”

“I’m not bringing him into this.” Ginny follows him, placing her hand upon him. “I’m not.” Her voice is kinder now. "That's not what I meant. I wasn't trying to say that."

“Well what are you trying to say?” Harry says, looking down. “WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?”

“Look! It’s not about that! I wasn’t trying to bring it up! I know his death still hurts you and you don’t like to talk about it.” Harry flinches at her words. “I wouldn’t!”

Harry looks up at her. This time, instead of her wrath, he sees her compassion. She’s quiet now. She looks down, chewing on her lip as if she's thinking about choosing her words more carefully. Harry's ready to erupt if says the wrong thing this time. He is ready to explode.

“It’s just…” she starts, faltering a bit, “well, don’t you realize we are all here for you?”

Harry just looks away, staring blankly at the sky. Cloudy, misty and hazy - it looks like rain.

“Harry, you aren’t alone in this. I know none of us know what’s going on inside, but we all want to help. We do.”

Harry looks at her.

“What does it take for you to get it through your head that we care? That when you need us, we are here.”

Harry gives her silence. Again.

“If you have any questions, you know Hermione is willing to do anything to help. Even if Luna is a nutter, she’s our nutter and our friend.” Ginny weakly smiles at Harry. “She knows what you are going through and would be more than willing to talk, in her own way.”

“Of course, you have my stupid brother’s loyalty. He’d gladly die for you.” Harry glares at Ginny. “But it likely won’t go that far. And Harry, Neville is there, as well as Seamus and Dean and pretty much everybody at Hogwarts. You’re not alone.”

Harry looks down. The anger he felt fades away, leaving sadness that he tries so hard to mask. It’s easier to be angry than it is to be sad. Anger burns, setting him on fire, consuming him in a way he can handle. But sadness... sadness cuts. Deep down, it cuts, a sharp pain he cannot ignore. He can deal with anger. Anger was his crutch. He didn’t feel like letting it go. It was too easy to hold onto.

“And Harry…” Ginny starts again. “Harry, I’m here.” She stops. “I’m here if you need to talk. If you ever want to talk about what it’s like to have Voldemort possess you-” Harry glares at her, but she keeps talking “-or what it’s like to feel like you aren’t yourself, I’m here. I know what it’s like and I am here for you. We all are.”

The sky crashes, causing drops of rain to fall down on them. Hard rain, unrelenting in its cause, instantly soaking them both.

He lets the rain do the talking for him, the pounding on the ground filling in for words. She's thinking, so she takes it, letting this be his response for now. Cold rain beats down. The icy water chills them both.

“I’m here, Harry,” Ginny says softly. He stares into her eyes, brown and burning, her red hair drenched. Even wet, water running down her face doesn’t douse the fire of her appearance. Brown and red, she burns.

“Ginny.” He just says her name, softly.

Water drips down his face. He isn’t angry. He doesn’t feel the heat inside burn. And yes, he feels sadness-overwhelming sadness-but he lets it wash over him. Just like the rain.

“Yes, Harry?” she asks, voice softer.

“I’m not angry.” It’s all he says. It’s extinguished right now. It wasn’t the rain - it was her.

He looks at her. She seems confused, but still burning for the both of them. She moves closer to him, drenched and shivering.

“It’s okay, Harry.” She offers him comfort. “It’s okay to let go.”

“I’m not angry, Ginny,” Harry says. “I’m sad.”

His face contorts, twisting into a sob. He doesn’t know if tears are coming out, but his face is wet, slippery from rain. Her hand touches his face.

“It’s okay.” She looks at him. She’s blurry now, from rain and his own sorrow. But he can still see her, burning for him. She offers him comfort.

Cold hand on his cold cheek, he feels her. It’s raining, he’s sad.

She looks into his eyes. Yes, he can see her. What does she want?

Her face draws closer to his, lips ready. She presses her mouth against his, softly. He responds to her, a soft kiss tasting of salty rain and her sweetness. She opens her mouth to his, allowing their tongues to touch softly. Exquisite pleasure.

He hopes kisses didn’t always come with tears, but the rain helps wash that thought away. For now, he kisses her. She offers him comfort.

But she also offers him some peace. And so much more.

He knows he is not alone.

The End.
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