People -_-

Jun 11, 2006 14:48

I dont know why people always butt into others lives. At work Im sitting there with a book, to read, obviously, and then someone will sit down beside me and start talking. I really hate it when someone I dont know, knows something about my life. And then proceeds to ask me about it!.. Its like, do I know you? This woman who I never said more then three words too asks, 'so youre in college?" um no, Im going(trying to) in the fall. "Oh so youre not in college?" "No," "So what are you going to be?"..."so youre living with your parents?".."Oh I see, I bet you miss who Do you live with" -________________- I DONT KNOW YOU SHUT UP. Its like the rumor of walmart! ZOMG, DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THAT MARYLAND GIRL! like OMG! YES I moved here, I cant drive, and Im trying to go to college, like OMGBBQWTF11ELEVEN!

Why are people so annoying! Then every other day I get out like exactly on time and walk back five minutes early. Today I had to really be on time since jess was taking me home with her on her lunch. Of course I get all tied up at the regester because our cashiers like to roam and wander, and theyre never there when theyre needed. And this guy had like 8 shirts so of course IM trying to hurry, and I said "Im sorry I normally dont cashier" and he said "yeah I could tell" -___- well geeze! I shoulda let you waited then! ARGH. And then Im walking back and the returns lady asks if I can do fish, so I waited on these customers, this girl, who wanted like 8 fish, so I faught with them and finally tied the bag and was going to go, when she wanted 5 of another kind, and three of another -_- any other time I have loads of time, Im bored but not today oohhh no. So finally ten minutes past the time Im supposed to clock out I practically run to the back. And then this woman I work with who gave me this really pretty two pointed quarts crystal, I made into a necklace, and I brought some crystals in to show her, I hardly got to talk to, or thank because I was in such a hurry and I wanted to talk to her all day. It makes me so sad. And Jessicas mom is so annoying. ANNOYING. Now that were down stairs shell come in jessicas rom and periodically straighten up things, move things..and like I dumped out all these colored pencils on the floor on purpose to see what shed do, and the next day they were all put back -__- then I have my paints up on jessicas computer table, I had used them and I need to see all my colors so I know my options when I do, well now theyre sitting in a box -__- And she went in and moved all my things which I had in boxes to take downstairs, and moved it all into this DIRTY DUSTY closet cause she was 'sick of looking at them' So now I have to go in there(and I cant find the switch to turn on the light in there) and find my colored pencils, my poor violin I put into our room from there too. Unless I take violin in college I might as well sell it.. I dont use it. Im not good at it adn I cant afford it. :sigh: sooo annoying.
The lady at work even asked what I was eatting, and who made it -_- jebus. I need A hug!

And Im trying to fill out finicial aid, and its so retarded that because I dont have kids, arent married, not a us marine, or was born before jan 1 1983, Im not considered independant. Even though I dont live with my parents, they dont claim me as dependant, I do my own taxes, and I get no support from them at all! I wouldnt care so much if I know their info didnt matter on the form, but Id be so pissed if because of what they make I cant get it. I dont think even if it did it would matter scine my dad is retired but.. And front range community college is retarded. I called the fincial aid office and got a recording saying theyre only open till 5, I called at 4. -_- so I guess Ill call my parents and get their tax info for the form. I bet I waited to long. And I dont want to charge the classes because then I have interest. I dont think jess makes enough to spot me rent if I have to use this saved money for college. I want a nap. -_-

walmart, mother inlaws., stupid people, college

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