Mar 20, 2006 22:23

Yeah dont mind me, I just wanted to do that!.. My wisdom tooth ish the pain, its coming in and frankly, go away tooth from der hell, go away cause chibimichi has no mooneys to fix you.~!

Okay so heres the gameplan.. Im going to stay in starbuck hell till it gets a hella lot warmer. In the meantime Im going job scouting! Anyone PLEASE have any ideas for me, about what you see me doing as a career! Cause I have no clue! All you adults with degrees, tell me how did you do it? Did you just wake up knowing? How do you find these jobs, these good unspoken jobs I know people have, where do I get one! Why is it always, the doctor, the nurse, the astronut, the deep sea diver, the dentist, the lawer(omg I cant spell lol) etc etc.. Those are too big for me ;__; Isnt there something else besides these? I mean theyres gotta be something out there for me between starbucks and all those intense math majoring, really smart needing, years and years and years of college, jobs.

My brother always swore off going into medical stuff, but lo' hes a university of baltimore bacholores grad as a docters assistant, who is also engaged to another docters assistant and they bought a 250,000 dollar townhouse in bellair. *___*;;;;; not fair ;-; totally not fair they both make 24 dollars an hour each. roar. Yes self pity! Horray for me, you know what, my tooth HURTS. iM INSANE, I can have a pity party. Do you want some tea? Im not done yet.

Anyway.. some former watress who orders a cinn. dolice latte, was mentioning this new job she applied for at longmont general. If she was a watress and is applying at a hospital well,..I wonder if I could? Apparently its some job where you stock medical supplies, but she said you make 15$ dollars an hour. I dont know if I should go with trying to even see about it, cause if I made that much (and Im sure theres a catch, or theyd want someone older or something) Id be less likely to make finicial aid cause Id be making too much. And what if I got this job but for some reason they fire me right in the middle of my 'savingrentmoneyforcollegeallsummerplan!!!!!1111eleven!"' and then Im screwed cause it would be too late to apply!. Hm I wonder if I could just call and ask what theyre hiring for. Cause she said theres a whole list of stuff on this board when you walk in. I was thinking I could walk in and ask firstly who I could talk to about applying for openings there, and what kind of jobs theyre hiring for, maybe write them down and look into them. I want to know exactly what it is Ill be doing. Since Im so much of a sucker, I cant ask till its too late, and thats how I got myself in this union starbucks mess. Which, I must get out of before I do become a 40 year old safeway, carpol tunnel loser!..because Im starting to actually like it..and I dont want to like it!! Itll suck me in, eat me forever, forever makinglattes! becoming happy with being the gum on peoples shoe! no no!!

:dramatic lighting flash:

I just wish I could wake up and know what I want to do. All that crap they feed you in middle school is bull irl. Lets see, in middle school when they gave us pamplets on what we wanted to be, I choose an FBI agent, so I could have a !hot! partnet like Fox Mulder! Oh yes! And a geologist so I could look at pretty crystals all DAY! yes thats REALISTIC. Or maybe a palentologist cause I loved dinosaurs in gradeschool because backthen everything was so much more simple and hoepful and I cant even spell it!! Or maybe a marine biologist because, you know I am fit and can hold my breath for five minutes, am increibly smart and rich because I could efford years of college....:sigh: so yeah these jobs are unrealistic.
I dont really need lots of money, I just want a comfortable life, where me and jess could take off for a weekend or a day or two on vacasions sometimes..maybe have a house in the future.. maybe afford health things...stuff?

sorry for ranting..Im just so stumped. Maybe the answer is right in front of me, but Im too scared.
My brother wanted to orginally do something inart but theres too much compition and after I lost the scholorship over puke on canvas in college, I really dont think I could make it in art. I thought about an art teacher, but really they dont make great pay, and the work is really taxing, I mean thats a job for rolemodel citizen and hetro mrs smith, with her two kids, dog and a minivan. Not just plan old me. Antisocial, stressed out, sensitive me!

oh boy here I go again. And Im talking to someone on yahoo messenger and I havent a clue who they are but somehow they know me! XD

anyywaay! so yesh work at starhell till its warm, find either an over achever job making hellamooney, or a stupid lawn and garden thing where Im working outside cause I dont wanna be inside. meanwhile saving like 1,200 for rent money and appling for finical aid and grants, then Ill quit work and be a full time student! yesh! for both semesters..hopefully. I miss college!!! I reallllllyyyyy wish I could have appreciated what I had before!! I was SUCH A DUMB ASS! really.. I was.
I had everything I needed..but I didnt see it..
well..Now its time for me to step up, I dont have my parents anymore, its all me. I must do this..its scary as hell but.. I just wish I had acted more appreciative.. I mean I had everything I needed to run outta that college with my degree, and into a university. But I asked for too much and things happened. and here I am, in retail, true if my parents were like other familys I would have working alot sooner, and I wish somehow they had made me in highschool so I could see like I do now, see how hard it is. I know I will be kicking myself forever over this. sometimes I feel like I could apologise to them once everyday for the rest of my life, and itll never make up for all the disapointments, failed expectations, or even thankyous that I didnt do.. But even though I cant afford lessons right now I practiced violin. Im going to try and get some normal back. If I dont, the me I used to be will dissappear. I will make everyone proud, somehow.

my mouth aches.

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